Preschool Activities that Meet Social Emotional Standards
It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for some activities aligned to a specific standard. This is the Third week of this feature, and we’re still on social emotional standards. (The Standards that I use every day, and am most comfortable with are Ohio’s Early Learning Development Standards – you can review them here, however I’ve found that even if your State’s standards differ, many of these activities can still be aligned similarly). Here we go!
Domain: Social Emotional Development
Strand: Self
Topic: Self-Regulation
Ahhh Self-Regulation. Teaching a class full of preschoolers to regulate and manage their feelings and impulses, trying to get little ones to think about the consequences of their actions and behaviors. Do we really need to put this on the lesson plan? Don’t we do this all day long, every single day of forever? That’s probably why this is a hard standard to plan activities for, we do it so often, and so naturally, that when we have to sit down and actually think about it, it has the tendency to stump us. I mean really, most of the adults I know can’t regulate their impulses (I know I have trouble, especially when their are baked goods involved), so how do we teach three and four year olds to do it?
Here are a few activities that might help: