• One Word Resolution

    Resolutions. Love them or hate them, it’s time to consider goals for the new year.  I tend to make general goals for the coming year, so when I read Primary Powers’ post on one-word resolutions, it really resonated with me.  It also reminded me of One Little Word, something that I had read about last year, and am looking forward to implementing in my life this year (check out Ali Edwards’ Blog for a great explanation). The idea that one word can shape the way you view the entire year is refreshing – it reminds me that everything is a matter of perspective.  So this year my word is: I’m…

  • Holiday Cookie Party Recap

    Before officially finishing up at school before the holidays, we had a great big holiday cookie party.  I shared my plans in this post, but I also promised to share photos from the party, so here they are! For table activities we had cookie patterning, a freebie that I downloaded from Stuff from Steff. I also made gingerbread play dough, and set out cookie cutters and rolling pins to encourage gingerbread cookie making!   The last of my table activities was my gingerbread lacing cookies (find out how to make these here). While some of the kiddos were doing table activities, others were baking up a storm in the cookie shop…

  • Friday Freebie – New Year’s Sequencing

    Happy Friday! I hope that you had a great Christmas, but the fun isn’t over yet! It’s time to get ready for new year! It’s always really hard to find New Year’s activities that are truly appropriate for preschoolers.  They don’t really understand resolutions, nor do they completely get the concept of a year, or time for that matter. This product is completely appropriate, and works on building some really important skills.  This Size Sequencing Set for the new year is from Color Me Kinder and includes new year-themed pictures in a number of different sizes that children can practice putting in order according to size.  Each image comes in color…

  • So close I can feel it!

    I have always worked for schools that are open year-round, so the week between Christmas and New Year is the longest break I get, and it goes way too fast! This year I have plans to get some work done and do some major relaxing! Sleeping in! Sleeping in is one of my favorite things in the world, I love waking up and knowing that I can lay there for as long as I want.  My body would naturally sleep until 11am and stay up until 2am if I let it.  spending time with family and friends.  This is huge for me, I have 8 days off and I already…

  • Friday Freebie – Letters to Santa

    Happy Friday! Are you lucky enough to be done with school today?! I have to work next Monday and Tuesday, so I’m still in school mode, but this weekend officially begins my holiday celebration; staff party tonight (yay for pizza with the girls, we do it low-key!), Christmas with my favorite aunt (who also happens to be the best gift-giver) Saturday, and Christmas with my in-laws Saturday and Sunday. With Christmas quickly approaching, there is still time for that last minute letter to Santa! Here is a great little freebie for helping your little ones write that letter. This Letter to Santa set is from Teacher Karma, go download it…

  • Polar Express Activity Idea

    The Polar Express is one of my favorite Christmas movies to share at school because it really expresses the magic of Christmas.  It doesn’t matter how many times my students have seen the movie, every single time they watch in awe of the singing and dancing during “Hot Chocolate”, gasp as the train skids across the ice, and exclaim with surprise when the bell is found on Christmas morning. The Polar Express is all about Christmas wishes, and every child has a wish.  For as long as I have been teaching, my favorite activity to do with this movie has been to make secret wish bells with my students.  They…

  • Christmas Questionnaire

    I love any opportunity to share a little of myself with all of you, so I’m linking up with Fabulous in First, here are my answers to the Christmas Questionnaire; 1. When do you decorate?I always decorate the day after Thanksgiving. My house is pretty tiny, and I only decorate my living room and my kitchen, so it only takes a couple of hours. I love to turn on Christmas music or find a cheesy Christmas movie on Lifetime to listen to while I decorate.  When it’s finished everything feels so festive, I love being able to enjoy it for an entire month! 2. Elf or no Elf?No elf for…

  • Foam food for dramatic play

    Last week I posted my plans for our holiday cookie party at school.  I’ve been working on prepping some of the materials for our cookie shop dramatic play area , which means adding to my collection of foam cookies. I wanted to show you some of the cookies that I made before, and the new varieties that I made specifically for our party. I made all of these with sheets of craft foam, and they couldn’t be easier.  Making your own food with craft food is a great alternative to buying play food because it s really easy to customize, and it’s all flat, so it stores better than most…

  • A Quick Preschool Holiday Activity

    Are you in need of a last minute activity to keep your students occupied while you attempt to finish all of those parent gifts and holiday cards?! who doesn’t need just a little something quick and easy this time of the year?! One of the teachers that I work with has this activity out in her classroom and I had to share it with you. We’ve all seen the contact-paper-on-the-window activities, they’re all over pinterest, but this is a little different.  First, she attached the contact paper to the back of her bookshelf, so it made a great little space for one or two kids to work quietly.  Second, she…