• Snack ideas for your Preschool Graduation celebration

    Every Preschool Graduation that I have been a part of during my career has had some sort of snack component, which works out well for me because I love to bake.  I always want to make something for the celebration, but I also usually encourage parents to bring something to share as well.  Some of my celebrations have been very well-attended, and I can’t feed that many people by myself! I always appreciate the parents who offer to bring drinks and paper products, that makes my life so much easier! I also love it when someone brings a fruit salad or a veggie tray, they are always welcome among the…

  • Preschool Activities that Teach Spatial Relationships

    It’s Wednesday, and here at Preschool Ponderings, that means time to focus on the standards.  Every Wednesday I choose an Early Learning Standard and share a number of activities that can be aligned with that particular standard.  Remember, the Standards that I use every day, and am most comfortable with are Ohio’s Early Learning Development Standards – you can review them here, however I’ve found that even if your State’s standards differ, many of these activities can still be aligned similarly. I’ve rounded up some great ideas today!Domain: MathematicsStrand: GeometryTopic: Spatial RelationshipsPreschool geometry is all about shapes, and this particular standard focuses on how shapes fit in relation to the objects…

  • Preschool Graduation Decorations

    I’ve learned that when it comes to decorations for preschool graduation, less is more.  This is a problem for me because I LOVE to decorate, but ultimately, too many decorations cause more stress that necessary because they take time to put up, time that I just don’t have on graduation day. I keep my decorations minimal by reminding myself that what parents really want is to see their children.  This helps me focus and prioritize when it is time to decorate.  I try to make sure that the ceremony space, where the children will receive their diplomas looks nice, but not busy. Parents want photos of their children, not photos…

  • Everything you need to host a Preschool Graduation

    Yup, it’s that time of the year, time to start planning your preschool graduation ceremony.  Do you do the same thing every year? I like to switch it up and plan something new and special every year, but of course, that means I have to plan something new and special every year! So over the last few years I’ve put together a template of sorts that makes things just a little easier. I include the same elements; Introduce the students Read a letter to the graduates Read an inspirational story Present class awards Handout diplomas and then each year I just swap in a new letter to the graduates, a…

  • Friday Freebie – Graduation

    Happy Friday! This weekend looks to be another busy one. Tomorrow I’ll be presenting at the Michigan AEYC Conference, come see me if you are going to be there! My presentation is all about creating documentation and using it in the classroom, if you can’t make it to the conference you can check out some of the information I’ll be sharing from these blog posts. I also have a great freebie for you today. Yesterday I shared my End of the Year Memory Book, which makes a great Preschool Graduation keepsake.  Today I wanted to share a freebie that made a huge difference in my graduation preparations last year. These…

  • End of the Year Memories

    Hopefully you still have a couple of weeks before you have to think about preschool graduation (can it really be that time of year already?!) but I wanted to share one of my favorite activities for the end of the school year because it takes a little time to complete. Last year I created a Preschool Memory book for my students to record their favorite things about preschool, and some all about me information.  These pages become a great way to show off all of the skills that they had learned throughout the year. I added their portfolios and a letter from me, then bound it all. It was a…

  • Quotes for Earth Day

    I love quotes, and I definitely think they have a place in the classroom because they are meant to inspire us.  Here are some great Earth Day quotes to share with your students.  Print them and display them in your classroom, or turn them into stickers that the children can wear all day long. From Family Share From Hand Lettering Cite From Daisy Print Company From Mokkasin From Designer Jots From Farah Aria I’d love to know how you use quotes in your classroom. Share your thoughts in the comments!

  • Earth Day Science Activities for Preschool

    Earth day is the perfect time to help children think about conservation.  This can be a difficult concept for young children to understand because natural resources seem to always be available.  Young children are most likely to understand the importance of conserving natural resources when we make this topic relevant to their lives. I’ve rounded up some great activities that you can do with your students to help them better understand conservation and natural resources. Explore how much water we can save by turning off the tap when brushing our teeth – from Rainy Day Mum Explore water pollution – from Getting Messy with Ms. Jessi Using this energy conservation…

  • Taking Care of the Earth can be exciting!

    Earth Day is on Wednesday, and if your plans are anything like mine, they probably involve heading outside to pick up litter.  This is a great way to help children understand that one little piece of trash can easily turn into many, many pieces of trash if we all litter, but it isn’t the most exciting activity.  I’ve come up with a way to get little ones excited about picking up litter, so that it can be a fun experience your class will never forget. Young children love super heroes, so I’ve created an Earth Day super hero mask that your students can decorate to wear while you pick up…

  • Friday Freebie – Earth Day Activities

    Happy Friday! This was a super busy week, and I wish I could say that things will slow down a little, but next week is just as crazy.  This weekend won’t bring a lot of time to relax, but I guess that means it’s spring – the weather is warm and my schedule is packed! I have a freebie for you today that will help with your plans for next week.  Earth Day is next Wednesday and this Graph and Write set will keep your class busy all morning.  Take them outside to collect litter, and then the children can sort the litter into different categories and graph what they’ve…