End of the Year Preschool Resources

It’s the middle of April already – how?! In the preschool world, I know that means that it’s time to think about wrapping up the formal “school year.” That can look like a lot of different things, graduations, assessments, parties, finishing projects and investigations, and looking towards the following year. There are a few different resources that I have leaned on every single year at this time, so I thought they might make your life a little easier too. Here are my favorite materials for the end of the school year.

I’ll have an in-depth look at my Kindergarten prep materials later this week, but this is my absolute favorite resource to share with families. Every parent wants to make sure that their child is ready to start Kindergarten. This set gives families simple activities that they can do each day throughout the summer to help children feel as prepared as possible. It’s organized in a few different ways so that you can pick the system that feels the most supportive, and least overwhelming, for the families that you serve. This resource is available in my TPT store, and my Etsy store.

A preschool assessment and portfolio have always been something that I send all of my families off with at the end of the year. The one that I use includes a checklist that quickly shows families what children have mastered, and what skills they still need to explore. This set also includes portfolio pages that make it really easy to gather assessment evidence and organize children’s work samples. Also available on TPT and Etsy.

A memory book is such a fun way for children to share the pieces of the year that had the most impact on them. It is so fun to hear what they remember from the year, and what really stood out as their favorite activities. This particular memory book is also an amazing sample of their abilities and how they grown in writing, drawing, and overall communication of their thoughts and ideas. Putting this book together can be a great excuse to spend a little more one on one time with each child before they head to Kindergarten. Available on TPT and Etsy.

Awards are always a great way to recognize children’s efforts, and these are both alliterative and descriptive. I strive to focus on positive qualities that make each child unique, and these definitely fit that bill. Print, cut, and decide which award fits best for every little one in your class. Available on TPT and Etsy

These personalized graduation caps make me smile every single time. This set includes a very simple template for making cardstock caps that children get to decorate. I love that they get to show off their personalities and artistic abilities, while also creating an adorable keepsake that families can take home with them. These truly are so easy that the children can put them together on their own – one less thing for you to prepare before graduation! Available on TPT and Etsy. You can read more about this in this post.