
  • Preschool Ponderings

    I have some great things in store!

    I took a minute to re-introduce myself on Monday for those of you who might be new here (or just haven’t seen much about me yet!) and that got me thinking – I should share some of the things that I have planned for this year. I’ve been hard at work on my Monthly Preschool Sets for almost a year now. By the end of November I’ll have all 12 months available for you! I also hope to introduce two versions each of these for the months of October, November, and December. One version will feature holiday-themed activities (Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas), and the other set will have seasonally appropriate,…

  • A little update

    I’ve been blogging here at Preschool Ponderings religiously since January of 2014.  By religiously I mean 4-6 posts each week, which I have always truly enjoyed writing and sharing with all of you.  This past year has definitely been the most difficult for me because #momlife, and I’m sure that if you follow along regularly you’ve noticed few posts with less regularity.  I took the last couple of weeks off from posting – which wasn’t planned, life just happened and there were some other things that I had to take care of.  I also used the time to reflect on what Preschool Ponderings will look like going forward.  Don’t worry,…

  • 1,000!

    Without even realizing it I crossed the 1,000 post mark! Wow, that’s crazy to me.  This blog has been a labor of love.  It is an absolute joy that I get to share some of my favorite ideas with you. I started Preschool Ponderings back in July of 2011 when I was transitioning from teaching toddlers to teaching preschoolers.  A lot has changed since then and I am so grateful to have a record of my own growth as an educator.  For those of you who have been following along for some time, I so appreciate that you spend your precious time reading my blog.  For those of you who…

  • Liebster Award for Blogging!

    I am so touched! Alicia (also known as The Elementary Professor) nominated me for a Liebster Award! This blows my mind because I’m shocked that someone is actually reading my little blog.  This is an award that is given to new bloggers by other bloggers, and in order to accept it, I have to answer some questions that Alicia came up with.  This is great really, because I’ve talked a lot about my classroom, but I haven’t really shared much about myself.  Here are the questions:1- What is your favorite subject to teach and why?I love language arts! I’m a huge advocate for the whole language approach, so I incorporate…