alphabet,  Language,  literacy,  sensory

Sweet Letter practice

Last year my class created our own sandpaper letters and my students were so proud of their alphabet! I wanted to do something similar with this group, so I used some Valentine’s day inspiration to make this alphabet a little sweet.

The group I have now is working on lowercase letter recognition, so I wrote all of the lowercase letters on pieces of cardboard.  When I presented the activity I showed the children how to use the glue to “trace” the letters.  Then I gave them sugar shakers that held a mixture of cocoa powder and baking soda (because cocoa powder is expensive!) and they shook the mixture over the glue like glitter.  As the glue dried some of the mixture soaked into it, but the letters still smell delicious! I’m going to put them in the writing center and hope that they don’t attract any critters!

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