• Freebie Friday – Martin Luther King Day

    Happy Friday! This week seemed to last forever, it must be because I’ve been longing for this long weekend (I know, I know, we just got back from break, what can I say, I like to sleep in).   We are off on Monday for Martin Luther King Day, but I usually recognize the holiday in the classroom on Tuesday, we talk about why we didn’t have school, and it leads into our activities for the day.  On Wednesday I gave you some ideas for recognizing diverse characteristics, and this freebie fits perfectly with those activities.  This easy little MLK Activity is from Little Miss Kindergarten.  All you have to do…

  • Classroom Documentation – Know your audience

    I’ve spent the last couple of days talking about the basics of documentation; why it’s important, and different kinds of documentation.  Today I want to get a little deeper, so I’m going to talk about defining your audience and directing your documentation to the intended audience. When I post documentation I consider two distinct audiences; adults (parents, family members, lab students, school staff), and my students.  I do things very different for each audience, because they respond to different kinds of documentation. When I want to draw adults to documentation I place it at eye level for an adult.  I am more likely to create panels for adult viewing, because…

  • Social Studies Activities for Preschool

    We’re working on social studies standards, and the timing worked out particularly well because today’s standard lends itself to Martin Luther King Day. Remember, the Standards that I use every day, and am most comfortable with are Ohio’s Early Learning Development Standards – you can review them here, however I’ve found that even if your State’s standards differ, many of these activities can still be aligned similarly. I’ve rounded up some great ideas today!Domain: Social StudiesStrand: GeographyTopic: Human SystemsPreschool standards are most concerned with making sure that students recognize similarities and differences between people, families, as well as recognizing characteristics of different cultural groups.  Last year my class was fascinated by our…

  • Types of Documentation

    Yesterday I talked about why documentation is so important in the classroom, so you know what it does, but it’s also important to get a grasp on what documentation is. The way that it has been best explained to me is that documentation tells the story of the children’s learning.  This means that anything that shows evidence of the learning process can be considered documentation. Documentation generally falls into two categories; Documentation Panels: These are professional works created by a teacher to showcase specific learning experiences.  They generally include photos taken by the teacher during the investigation and captions or a description of the experience.  Panels are created to be…

  • Documentation in the Preschool Classroom

    I love documentation! It’s kind of a silly thing to say, but as a teacher documentation is something that I will always and forever include in all of my classrooms.  There are a few different reasons for this; Documentation shares the story of the work that children are doing in the classroom. How often do you hear a parents remark that their children claim that they do nothing at school all day? The documentation that I have hanging in my classroom shows parents exactly what we’ve been working on, so that they can be sure that they’re children are doing a lot more than “nothing” all day.   Documentation gives…

  • Freebie Friday: Movement Charts

    Happy Friday, we made it through the first week back to real life! The one thing that I love about January is that after having jam-packed weekend throughout November and December, my weekends finally feel like they belong to me again.  I am looking forward to getting a lot done around the house this weekend, because I’ll finally have the time. Earlier this week I gave you some ideas for indoor movement games, today’s freebie goes with this list perfectly! The free Movement Chart is from Chanda at Pink Oatmeal, the chart is meant to help you track your students’ movement activities, to make sure that they are participating in movement…

  • Book Study… Kind of…

    I just ordered Becoming Young Thinkers: Deep Project Work in the Classroom (the latest release from Judy Harris Helm). I have been looking forward to this book since I found out about it at the NAEYC Conference, and I wanted to not only read it, but also to do a book study here on Preschool Ponderings.  While I was waiting for it to get here (thank goodness for Amazon Prime 2 day shipping because I am IMPATIENT) I was introduced to bible journaling.  Seriously, go check out that link, it will blow your mind. I almost said “forget the book study, I’m ordering a bible and starting to doodle.” But then…

  • Preschool Social Studies Activities

    I haven’t done a focus on the standards since before Thanksgiving, the holidays have a way of distracting me! I thought that we could pick up where we left off – so here are some activities for another social studies standard. Remember, the Standards that I use every day, and am most comfortable with are Ohio’s Early Learning Development Standards – you can review them here, however I’ve found that even if your State’s standards differ, many of these activities can still be aligned similarly. I’ve rounded up some great ideas today!Domain: Social StudiesStrand: GeographyTopic: Spatial Thinking and Skills This standard specifically relates to maps, and the understanding the our world…

  • Large motor activities that can be done indoors

    Winter.  The one word that strikes fear into the heart of preschool teachers everywhere.  cold winter days seem so much longer because the kids don’t have the opportunity to run around outside.  At three, four, or five years old, the opportunity to run wild is a necessity.  Kiddos can only sit for so long before they get restless, it’s normal and completely natural, but it makes teaching them so much more difficult! During the winter I make sure to give my students just as much time for active motor games that I do during the rest of the year, but these activities have to be a little more structured because…

  • January Currently

    I realize that it is January 5th, so I may have missed the boat on the Currently, BUT, today was my first day back at school, so in my mind, it’s really the beginning of the month – those last 5 days didn’t really count! Listening: I’m working at Starbucks this afternoon. Sometimes I love their music selections, other times… meh. Today is one of those days when I really have no clue who is playing, or even what genre it is, but I am hyper-focused on my work because I’m not actually listening to the music. Loving: I do not like to give gift cards as gifts, but I…