
June Currently

It’s June – yesterday was the first and it was 55 degrees and cloudy, not exactly the way I expected June to start – but it’s June, and I’m still happy about that! Here’s what I’m up to;

Listening: The Whispers is a new show on ABC, I figured I’d watch the pilot and see what it was about. I’m hooked, and yet, I’m still not quite sure what it’s about – it’s fascinating.
Loving: I am in love with my new blog design! Alexis from Laugh Eat Learn designed it for me and she is clearly a genius! 
Thinking: Summer is supposed to be fun and relaxing right? Umm, that’s not exactly what I’m feeling right now. I have a few really great opportunities to make some big changes career-wise and I’m over-thinking all of it.  Mostly I’m worried about stuff that I have no control over, which I know is ridiculous, but I can’t seem to turn my mind off!
Wanting: It doesn’t exactly feel like summer at the moment. Last week it was in the 80’s – beautiful and sunny, and I was to busy to enjoy it. Now it’s 55 and cloudy, but I’ve got all kinds of free time.  Isn’t that the way it usually works?
Needing: I need a break from all of this over-thinking, an escape would be wonderful.  I’ve got a few little trips planned this summer and I can’t wait to enjoy them!
Summer lovin: I can’t wait to spend warm sunny days outside, I’m in desperate need of some vitamin D!
I’m linking up my Currently with Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade.  Farley is hosting a fundraiser for Wimberley Adoption Group and Rescue in Wimberley Texas, please head over to Oh Boy Fourth Grade to donate!

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