currently,  october

October Currently

I think it’s fair to say that October snuck up on me, it can’t possibly be October already – it’s still summer! Except now that it is October, I may be in panic mode about a few of my upcoming projects, I’ve got a lot going on this fall!

Here’s what I’m up to right now;

Listening: I’ve been watching General Hospital since I was in high school, but I’ve missed a few years here and there because of that little think I like to can a job.  Now I can get new episodes on my iPad whenever I want (thank you ABC!) so I save all of the episodes from the week and binge-watch them on the weekend while I’m getting work done. 
Loving: My dream is SO close to becoming a reality, we picked up the last of the supplies to finish our new master bath, closet and laundry room today and I can’t wait for it all to get done!
Thinking: I know it’s still early, but I haven’t baked sugar cookies in a while so I’m getting inspired by looking for cute Halloween ideas on Pinterest.  
Wanting: I would love just one more hour every day (ok, maybe more than that), but I think that’s a pretty common thing to want. I’m trying to juggle all of the different things that are going on around my house, but’s its been crazier than usual lately and I don’t see things slowing down any time soon!
Needing: I desperately need to sit down and make a few good lists, at least then I’ll be able to prioritize all of the things that need to get done. 
Boo-tiful: I think fall clothes were made for me, I never feel better than when I’m wearing a sweater, scarf, and cute pair of boots.  
Please take minute to stop over at Oh Boy 4th Grade and see what some other great teacher bloggers are up to this month!

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