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Make your summer goals… and keep them!

This time of year is all about finishing up all of those end of the year projects, and I’m not sure if it’s the weather or just knowing that other projects are winding down, but it seems to be the time that I started dreaming big dreams of everything that I’m going to accomplish over the summer. Those dreams are usually lofty, and then all of a sudden it’s September and nothing got done.

So this year I’m going to do what I do best, make a list.  I’m planning on writing down all of my goals, so that I can really determine which ones are realist and which ones are really just dreams.  Once I’ve made a list I can work at accomplishing those goals slowly but surely – instead of being distracted by other projects.

I made a cute little goal sheet that I can post and revisit often, and I’m sharing it with you! Download your copy and then share some of your goals, I’d love to hear what you plan on accomplishing this summer!

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