currently,  summer

June Currently

I love linking up with Oh Boy 4th Grade for Currently every month, and this month I am proud to say that I was on top of it, and remembered right away!

Listening: Laura Santos has created an amazing resource called Teacher Creator’s Toolbox. Oh. My. Goodness.  This site is ah-mazing! She has tutorials for everything you could possibly need to know about designing and selling classroom resources (including all that legal stuff that you usually don’t learn until it’s too late…). I’m spending my first official week as a semi-self-employed person watching all of her tutorials so that I can implement everything that I learn right now, while I have the time.

Loving: I am in love with the warm weather. This winter sucked.  I have never been so happy to be hot and sweaty in my life.

Thinking: My to-do list is a bit overwhelming.  I am working my “real job” part time, but I still have just as much stuff to get done.  Add to this the fact that my TPT to-do list is now a priority, because it is also my job, and I’m slightly overwhelmed. No worries, I have a great planner and it never leaves my side. I will get it all done.

Wanting: What is it about summer that makes me long for vacation? I know that a huge vacation isn’t going to happen this year, but that doesn’t mean I can’t long for a camping trip or a holiday weekend in Chicago (a mere 6 hour drive…).

Needing: Now, I know that I don’t really NEED a manicure, but I think that my nails could use some help.  I have an awful habit of picking at my cuticles (I know, ew!) when I’m nervous, bored, anxious, ok basically all of the time, and the only time that I don’t do it is when I have a really nice manicure. I’m thinking that I’ll ask for a mani-pedi for my birthday, it’s only a month away. Until then, I’ll just keep touching them up with my handy dandy Sally Hanson Gel Manicure set (almost as good as a salon manicure… almost).

Summer Bucket List: There is a drive-in movie theater less than half an hour from our house, but I have never seen a movie there. It’s been on my summer to-do list for years, maybe this year I can finally make it happen!

Whew, sorry I get a little wordy when I actually have time to write! A big thanks to Farley for letting me link up, I can’t wait to read everyone else’s!

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