classroom management

  • Friday Freebie – Positive Behaviors

    I have found the cutest freebie ever! I can’t even wait to share these with you – these are Beehavior Beads (they all have a bee theme).  The idea is that you print a bunch of them, laminate them, and punch a hole in the corner of each one, then each child gets a necklace (a ribbon, lanyard, or piece of yarn) and they can collect them as you catch them “bee-ing” helpful.  Such a great idea! Go download your set from Double Trouble.

  • Taking a step back

    I can tell that my students have been spending too much time together (since I teach in a child care center my students can potentially be together from 7am until 6pm 5 days a week, and I am with them from 9am until 6pm every day) because of the ways that they have been treating each other lately. Little ones can be downright mean, and it breaks my heart the way that they talk to each other. I know that some self-centeredness is developmentally appropriate, that doesn’t mean that it is acceptable in my classroom. I do my best to encourage kindness and caring, but I too find myself responding…

  • Let’s talk about guidance…

    I’ve spent the last hour on Pinterest looking for the perfect quote to go along with this post, or at least, that’s what I told myself I was doing. I’m pretty sure that what I was really doing was putting off writing this.  I’ve been thinking about this post for the last week, and I’m still not sure what I want to say, or how I want to say it, but I will get the thoughts out of my head, I promise. Classroom management. Those are two words that can strike fear into even the most seasoned teacher, because the way that you manage your classroom works for you, but…