joy finding joy

  • joy list

    Leaning into what brings me joy

    I got a little vulnerable with you on Monday – this time of year is tough. The pressure to jump back into a routine after the holidays, when I’m not really ready for that, causes some friction. Add the dreary weather and joy can be a little hard for me to come by. I’m working through it by leaning into the things that I know bring me joy – a “Joy List” if you will! Whenever I’m feeling a little down – whether it’s because I’m burnt out at work, clouds and cold are impacting my mood, or I’m just in need of a pick me up – I like…

  • finding my purpose

    Finding the Joy

    This is the time of the year that’s the most difficult for me – the happiness of the holiday season is over and I feel like I’ve been thrown back into work without actually getting the rest and relaxation that I’d been so looking forward to. It’s burnout at it’s finest. Plus the weather is gray and dreary, which never helps. This is the month when I have to be truly intentional about finding my purpose in the work that I do so that I can enjoy it. The real question is, how do I do that??? There’s not an exact science to it – I’ve tried a variety of…

  • One Thing That Brings Me Joy

    I promised that I’d share some of the things that have helped me refocus and work through burnout, so here’s one of my favorites.  A big thing for me has been paying more attention to the positives. This always worked for me when things were tough in the classroom – recognizing positive behaviors, celebrating little wins – it shifts my mood and that of those around me. In looking for a way to do this in my own personal life I settled on the idea of challenging myself to take at least one picture a day of something, anything, that brings me joy.   Trying to find one thing each day…