
  • January holidays

    January Celebrations for Preschool

    I’m the kind of person who absolutely LOVES to have a holiday or celebration to look forward to. After the highs of the month of December, that can make January feel a little extra bleak. BUT there’s plenty to celebrate in January too, so if you want to keep the parties coming, here are some special days you might consider commemorating in the classroom this month. All of these dates are from my favorite calendar site; National Today. January 8th – National bubble bath day. This sounds like the perfect excuse for some soapy sensory fun! Squeeze some bubble bath on a piece of aluminum foil and let children fingerpaint…

  • How to keep from getting sick when you’re a teacher

    Yuck! There is a really nasty bug going around, I can’t tell you how many adults and kids I know who have the flue right now.  This is always my least favorite thing about spending the day with little ones, you just can’t avoid the germs.  When things get really bad there are a few strategies I turn to; Clorox wipes.  If you just can’t go around spraying everything with bleach all day, then these are the next best thing.  I love how easy they are to use, and they give me so much peace of mind.  Don’t forget to wipe down the door knobs, light switches, faucet handles, and…

  • How can we promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles for preschoolers?

    Happy Week of the Young Child! Today's post is all about encouraging healthy lifestyles. If you look at your average preschooler, he or she probably has a lot of opportunities for physical activity throughout the day. He or she probably has a family that does their best to provide healthy, nutritious meals. There is more to encouraging healthy lifestyles than exercise and eating right, young children have to understand why these things are important. If we don't help them understand the principles behind living healthy, then when they are old enough to decide how to spend their time and what they want to eat, they won't value the choices that…