
  • Lesson Planning Supplies

    Raise your hand if your new years resolution had something to do with making sure your lesson plans get done sooner – this was always me. I felt like I knew what I wanted to do the upcoming week, but actually sitting down and planning it all out was the one task that got pushed off all week.  Then, when I did get time to put my lesson plans together I would find that I really didn’t have enough ideas, or all of my ideas needed a ton of prep work – prep work that I didn’t have time for. I’m here to give you a couple of suggestions so…

  • Summer activities for preschoolers

    Now that the calendar says June, I am in full swing for summer! I wanted to share some great ideas for preschool age children, and I’ve got a huge collection on my Preschool Summer Ideas pin board. Whether you have students all summer, are running a day camp or VBS, are babysitting, or are looking for fun things to do with your own children, I’ve got a great collection of ideas on this board.  Hop on over and check out the crafts, water play, Fourth of July games, snacks to beat the heat, camping fun, and large motor outdoor activities. Share a link to your summer pin boards in the…