dramatic play,  library,  literacy,  Week of the Young Child

Library play

We were supposed to walk to the library this morning as part of our celebration of the Week of the Young Child, but it rained all morning, so I did what every good preschool teacher would do, I improvised.

I set up my classroom like a library and made each of my students library cards, and we all spent the morning at Ms. Erin’s School Library.

It was hilarious. My kiddos spent the entire morning whispering to each other, just like they would at the real library.  They sat on the floor and read with each other – ALL MORNING.  I’m going to do this more often!

It was really easy to prep, in addition to the bookshelf that is usually in my classroom, I took a majority of the books from our little library at school and placed piles of books in different places throughout the room.

I put our ancient calculator out and showed the children how to “swipe” their library cards to check out their books. They thought this was the best thing ever! The library cards were from our collection of old gift cards and credit card samples. I taped their photos to them and wrote “Library Card” in sharpie. Voila!

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