• The pressure’s on!

    One of my best friends is having her first baby this summer, and her shower is in a couple of weeks.  There’s a new-ish trend for baby showers, you’ve probably been invited to a shower where you are asked to bring a book for the baby instead of a card.  I don’t know about you, but I hate this! Now don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great that we want to get babies books, and that we encourage parents to read to their newborns, that is WONDERFUL. I hate having to pick out just one really great book! My friends all know that I’m a preschool teacher, I feel…

  • Using Vocabulary Cards in the Preschool Classroom

    I love vocabulary cards. I love them so much that I’ve designed my own and there are always some available in my classroom, but before I get ahead of myself, let me tell you why I love them. I started using vocabulary cards when my students showed an interest in working on their writing skills.  They kept asking me how to spell certain words, and how to write specific letters.  I eventually got tired of writing certain words over and over on scrap paper so that kiddos could see what the words looked like, so I wrote some on sentence strips.  This was a start, but then they couldn’t find…

  • Freebie Friday!

    Happy Friday! I hope that you have something fun planned for the weekend, I’m trying on bridesmaid dresses with my sister today and helping host a bridal shower for my soon to be sister-in-law tomorrow, so I’m looking forward to a wedding-festivity-filled weekend! For this week’s Friday freebie I found a super cute ice cream themed activity that would go perfectly with the ice cream activities I shared yesterday. My students would absolutely love “We Scream for Ice Cream… Rhymes” by Jennifer Drake.  Not only are her ice cream cones really cute, but I haven’t met a preschooler who didn’t like to rhyme, seriously, they will make up silly nonsense…

  • Summer fun in my store

    I’ve worked with children in the summer since I was 15 years old, so I know how helpful it is to have fun, summer themed activities. One of my favorite units to do during the summer is related to ice cream – who doesn’t love ice cream?! my kids will do any activity that has to do with ice cream – even math and language activities that they otherwise wouldn’t be interested in. Over the years I’ve found a couple of activities that my students love, and will do willingly – without even realizing that they are learning.  These are the kind of activities that all teachers want to implement,…

  • Creative ways to store playground materials

    I love to be outside – which is kind of a shock because when I was little the last thing that I wanted to do was play outside.  I need my daily dose of vitamin D, and my students need to run around and be crazy people.  It is so good for them to have the opportunity to just play – completely unstructured and in a wide open space, so we spend a lot of time outside. The kiddos can only run around in circles for so long, so we’ve been introducing a lot of other activities into our outdoor space in order to help keep them busy.  Our playground…

  • Attitude of Gratitude Giveaway

    I can’t think of a better way to celebrate summer than with a great big giveaway, and this is definitely a BIG giveaway! Laura at Differentiation Station Creations is hosting an Attitude of Gratitude giveaway to celebrate teachers and make sure that you get the opportunity to win some great products to use in your classroom. I donated my CVC Word Family Paint Chips, which are one of my favorite products in my entire store. I wanted to give everyone a chance to enjoy these, so they are 30% off in my store until the giveaway is over on the 16! Head on over to Differentiation Station Creations and enter…

  • Time flies!

    I just realized that I never posted pictures from our preschool graduation ceremony, how did I forget! I figure it’s better late than never, right?! So here are the photos that I can show you (the ones without any of my kiddos in them). You may have seen some of these on Instagram, so I apologize for any repeats, but the decorations turned out so cute that I had to share! The cute red and blue papers that I used are from Collaboration Cuties, the adorable headbands are from Brooke Beynon (her free pack has one for each grade level!), and the idea for the crepe paper banner is from…

  • Friday freebie – Summer fun

    Yay for Friday! Do I say that every week? I hope I change it up sometimes! I can’t exactly say why, but I feel like this is my first real summer weekend, maybe because it is the first weekend in June.  This week’s freebie goes along perfectly with the summer activity ideas that I posted Wednesday and Thursday, it’s like Brigid Ann was reading my mind! This Summer Fun Activity Calendar set comes with three calendars that are filled in with easy ideas for summer activities. Seriously. Every day has a super easy, very little prep, activity that your children can do.  It also includes a blank calendar so that…

  • Summer fun – at home

    Quick day trips are what make summer months memorable, but it’s impossible to take one every day.  What can you do to spice up those other summer days? Here are ten ideas for days when you have to stay home.  Whether its raining, too hot to go out, or you just need a lazy day, these ideas will keep the little ones busy so you don’t have to hear the infamous “I’m bored!”  These will also work great for special activities at daycare! 1. Build a fortThis is something that every child needs the opportunity to do, don’t you remember building forts? It couldn’t be easier, find some large blankets…

  • Summer fun – around town

    The beginning of summer is great – warm weather, playing outside, and being just a little lazy is fun for a while, but it gets old quick!  I’ve put together a list of things that you can easily do with your children or students to keep the summer fun – not boring.  Today’s ideas are from “around town” which means you get to go explore! Depending on your area, some of these may be in walking distance, while others may be a farther trek.  If you aren’t sure about any of these resources, a quick internet search can tell you if there is something similar locally. 1. Explore a community…