classroom environment,  products for the classroom

Loving the latest from Ikea

I’ve always loved Ikea, the former interior design student in me considers that store absolute heaven.  The closest Ikea store is an hour and a half from my house, and I make the drive regularly.  Needless to say, receiving the annual catalog is grounds for hours of focused study.  I love that Ikea has always offered something for everyone. But now I’m rambling, and I’m sure you’re thinking “what does this have to do with preschool?” I promise I have a point.

I am so impressed with Ikea’s newest children’s products, and the ways that the company has chosen to present them.  The new Ikea catalog shows that childhood can be whimsical while still appreciative of nature and beauty. Here are some photos from the catalog, to check out these awesome products please be sure to visit

I am in love with this room – it’s meant to be a bedroom, but it would be an amazing classroom too.

5 things that I love love love about this room:
1. The color scheme – It’s natural and fresh, but it still looks playful
2. That rug – can you see it?! I have been drooling over that rug for nearly two years and I still think that it’s wonderful.  Not only is it perfect for the natural classroom, but it would encourage some serious pretend play (“Going on a Bear Hunt” anyone?)
3. The hanging organizers – look closely at the green hanging organizers, they are holding recyclable materials for projects.  
4. Storage, tons of storage – everything in this room has a place, there is no clutter, even though you can tell there is a ton of stuff.
5. The furniture is actually designed for children – look at the height of each piece, they are all small enough for children to utilize independently, and therefore, help make the room feel larger and brighter. 

Look at this piece, it’s actually the Sniglar Changing Table that has been re-purposed into a work center. I’m in love with the fact that children can work at the lower level and display their work (or keep it safe from siblings) on the top section. 
The next page from that catalog that I want to share with you is a great example of a large motor room (don’t we all wish we could have a space like this!?)
The best thing about this room is that you really can have the items in this room, squeeze them all in the closet, and pull them out on those really crazy days when the kids just need to move.  The mats are incredibly priced, and the balance beam can also be used as a bunch, so you could store it near your cubbies for children to use while putting on boots or packing up backpacks.  
Kudos to Ikea for recognizing what children need and trying to make those products available to everyone.  I am so impressed by this company’s understanding of child development and I will support them wholeheartedly, I can’t wait to go shopping!

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