halloween,  Holidays

My Halloween Costume

I’m really picky about costumes, I don’t usually dress up for Halloween unless I can think of a costume that includes my regular clothes.  I love Halloween, I just have a really hard time making myself look silly on purpose – I know, I really need to loosen up.

I have a few (ok, a lot) of criteria when it comes to choosing a costume for school;
1. I have to feel comfortable wearing it at school (still slightly professional, appropriate, etc.)
2. I want others to know right away what I am, questions just make things awkward
3. I hate wearing hats, headbands, or headpieces of any kind
4. I am not putting make up on my face (other than the make up I wear every day)
5. I don’t really do scary, in general I lean toward cute
6. If it’s a full body suit (or furry), you can just forget it

I don’t even think those are all my rules, but you get the idea.  This year I think I finally found the costume that I will wear for the rest of forever.  Ta-da:

Excuse my really bad cell phone photo, it was the best I could do.  I’m a candy corn! I love this outfit, I feel like I’m fully clothed, I still feel like the teacher, and it was super cheap and easy to make.  What are you going to be for Halloween? Do you wear costumes at school? I’d love to know!

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