After Halloween Plans for the Classroom
This year Halloween is on a Thursday, which means we all have to come back in to school for Friday before we can really crash. The day after Halloween can be ROUGH in the classroom. Honestly, it makes perfect sense – the routine has been totally off, most kids were up way later than usual for trick or treating, and we’ve all had more sugar over the last few days than are bodies are used to processing. It’s completely normal for everyone to be super cranky the next day. Knowing this, there are some things that you can do to make the day go a little more smoothly. In planning…
Tips for Planning a Class Halloween Party
Whether you are planning a Halloween party or a Harvest Party, it’s time to start thinking about it! I know some people dread party days, but I love them. Parties are the perfect time to build classroom communities. They give the children a common event to look forward too and opportunities to bond over their anticipation, and throughout the actual party. Over the years I’ve come up with quite a few tips for making those crazy party days run just a little more smoothly. The planning makes all the difference, so consider your party details as I run through some of the questions you might want to ask yourself.
Teacher Costumes from your Closet
I love Halloween, but I’m not a huge fan of dressing up – it’s the introvert in me that doesn’t want any extra attention! I also don’t love the idea of spending a ton of money on something that I’m only going to wear once. I’ve gotten really good at creating fun, comfortable costumes from my own closet. The fact that they’re made from clothes I already own means that they’re also very school-appropriate. Here are some of the ideas that I’ve used in the past, just in case you’re looking for a last minute teacher costume that won’t break the budget. Gardener – Pull out a pear of jeans or…
Preschool Activities for Halloween
October is such a fun month in the classroom, and there are no shortage of activities to explore with your students. If you’re planning for the holiday week, then this post will save you some time an effort so that you can get back to the fun! The Preschool Ponderings Shop is full of great Halloween resources for you to check out. Click the photos below to download – and make sure to scroll to the bottom to see my absolute favorite Halloween activity! Ok, you made it this far – here’s my absolute favorite Halloween activity for the preschool classroom: This shape practice set includes three activities to do…
Halloween Safety
I’ve shared this same Halloween safety book every year because I love the way that it makes the conversation easy for very young children to understand. This amazing freebie is from Miss Kindergarten Love, and it’s a wonderful way to help children consider their surroundings while enjoying the holiday. Go download a copy to use with your class this month!
Halloween Costume Anxiety
Many children LOVE the opportunity to wear costumes on Halloween. They jump at the opportunity to dress up like someone else and truly enjoy the process of choosing a costume. There are some children who do not share this joy and really struggle with Halloween because of their feeling about costumes. Children may not like the way that a costume feels when they wear it. If this is the case then getting creative and identifying costumes that can be created with the types of clothing that a child already enjoys wearing. Other children struggle with the idea of dressing like someone else. They may not want to be anyone or…
Managing Halloween Fears
Sometimes it seems like we celebrate Halloween for the entire month of October. I’m definitely not complaining about that – Bring on all of the costumes, pumpkin carving, trunk or treats, and hayrides! For the youngest children though, all of these events can be overwhelming and even scary. Let’s talk about some common Halloween fears and ideas for supporting children through them. Halloween, by it’s nature is meant to be scary and children definitely pick up on that. It’s impossible to drive through a community and not see a yard display or storefront that is designed to inspire fear. For very young children, they don’t have the cultural context to…
Creative ways to use pumpkins in preschool
Pumpkin exploration is synonymous with Halloween in preschool. But if you’re ready to try something other than painting pumpkins and sending them home, then check out this list!
Halloween Teacher Favorites
I’m loving that pink has become a Halloween color! This year’s list of my favorite Halloween goodies for teachers is heave on the pink and really leaning into cozy vibes. These are all items that would be fun to wear for the holiday OR to give as gifts. If you like a more traditional black and orange color palette then be sure to check out my favorites from last year. All links are affiliates. Reading ghosts sweatshirt – Is this not the cutest?! Perfect for a teacher, librarian, or anyone who loves to read. Bat slippers – perfect for a cozy weekend in or after a long day on your…
Preschool Halloween Materials
It’s October, and in my world that means it’s Halloween all month long! I’ve always loved to incorporate seasonal materials into the classroom. I think that really fits with the idea of creating a more home-like classroom environment. Many families incorporate seasonal decor into their homes, so it makes perfect sense to do the same at school. Here are some of the supplies and materials that I love to have on hand because there are so many different ways to use them. All links are affiliates! Large plastic bowls – These can serve so many purposes; toss beanbags into them for gross motor practice, store materials for activities, hold the…