friday freebie,  Holidays,  president's day

Friday Freebie – President’s Day

Happy Friday! Today is one of my favorite days, I know a lot of teachers don’t like party days, but I love them and Valentine’s Day is my favorite of the entire year. I think it’s because the celebration with my kiddos has always taken the pressure off my husband 🙂 I get all my mushy love from the little ones and all I expect from him is a card.  I also have some serious girl time planned for this weekend, an Ikea trip with my best friends from high school, which is definitely a reason to look forward to the weekend!

Then, Monday is President’s day.  We always have school on President’s day, and after a Valentine party, the last thing my students need is another party, but… President’s day is special.  No, we don’t have a party, but I do like to mark the day and let my students know that it’s special.  I created this President’s Day Classroom Decoration Sampler to help add a little significance to the day, and so that you could sample my Classroom Decoration sets.  Use this freebie to help your class celebrate patriotism and encourage interest in government!

Have a great weekend, enjoy your Valentine’s Day!

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