president's day

  • President's Day Activities

    President’s Day for Preschoolers

    The best thing about February being such a short month is just how fast it flies by – we’re already well into it and President’s day is next week! Since so many schools are closed for President’s day it has a way of sneaking up on me, and this year with Valentine’s day being the Friday before, I really think it can be best to observe President’s day in the classroom after the actual holiday. Here are all of the resources that I have available to help you explore what this day means with your preschoolers. These can all be found in my TPT store. Click the images below to…

  • Preschool president's day

    President’s Day with Preschoolers

    President’s day can pose a challenge for preschool teachers because so many of the concepts that we connect with commemorating this day are extremely abstract for young children. They don’t understand history, what it means to live in a certain country, or the job of a president. In many cases, not only are these concepts difficult for children to grasp, they also aren’t relevant to their day to day experiences. There are still some great ways to acknowledge President’s day and help children make connections that increase their understanding – here are my favorite President’s day lessons. I’ve created a couple of vocabulary sets that help children have the words…

  • Preschool holiday celebrations

    Processing a holiday before moving on to the next one

    The month of February might have the fewest days, but it packs in all of the holidays – Groundhog day, Valentine’s day, President’s day, and Mardi Gras. If you look at March and April you’re often adding St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, and Earth day too. It’s a lot to explore over a fairly short amount of time. We usually think of the time between Halloween and Christmas as the “holiday season,” but October, November, and December don’t have nearly as many holidays squeezed into them as the spring months do! This can make late winter and early spring pass pretty quickly, but it can also be really overwhelming, especially for…

  • Friday Freebie – President’s Day

    Happy Friday! Today is one of my favorite days, I know a lot of teachers don’t like party days, but I love them and Valentine’s Day is my favorite of the entire year. I think it’s because the celebration with my kiddos has always taken the pressure off my husband 🙂 I get all my mushy love from the little ones and all I expect from him is a card.  I also have some serious girl time planned for this weekend, an Ikea trip with my best friends from high school, which is definitely a reason to look forward to the weekend! Then, Monday is President’s day.  We always have…