currently,  february

Currently – February

I’m not quite sure what happened to January, it flew by! I can’t say I’m complaining, the faster that warm spring weather gets here, the happier I’ll be.  Since it’s officially February, that means its also time for a Currently.  Here’s what I’m up to right now:

Listening: I didn’t have a great day. It was a bit of a stressful Monday, so I figured the best way to put things in perspective was to watch the news. Between the local news and the national news, someone must’ve had a much worse day than I did.  I sat down to watch with a cookie and a glass of wine, so by the time I’m done I’m sure I’ll feel much better!
Loving: I drove home in the sunshine tonight. I am absolutely loving that the days are getting longer again, I’ll take as much sunshine as I can get. 
Thinking: We eat dinner late, it just fits our busy schedules, but I’m starving tonight, so it’s already on my mind.  I love to cook dinner, it’s how I unwind for the evening, so it’s something that I find myself looking forward to it often. 

Wanting: I had to work on Saturday morning, and then I spent most of my Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon volunteering for local 4-H events.  I didn’t really have a ton of time to get stuff done this weekend, so I am already ready for next weekend. I hope this week goes fast!

Needing: A ton of the products in my TPT store are on my list to get updates. It’s happening slowly but surely, so make sure to keep checking for updates on your previous purchases, I’m sure you’ll love their new looks!

Swooning: I’ve been planning a spring break vacation, and I talked myself into new shoes because I NEED them for vacation, but they are so cute that I don’t feel guilty at all, I’ll definitely wear them all the time.

Stop by Oh Boy to check out what some other great teacher bloggers are up to, and thanks for letting me share a little piece of reality with you!

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