It’s that time…

Summer is as much a mindset as it is an actual period of time. It’s always about this time of year that the mindset starts to shift away from carefree sunny days and towards preparing for the next school year. While I may not always be excited to see summer go, Making the most of this opportunity to set myself up for success in the coming year is also something that I enjoy (that’s how you know you’re a teacher). If you’re considering making some changes, updating your classroom procedures, or introducing new methods, then here are some of my past posts that might offer some inspiration. Happy back to school prep!

This post includes all of my favorite back to school materials that are available in the Preschool Ponderings TPT store – everything from a comprehensive emergent curriculum to portfolio documents, circle time materials, and teacher organization resources!

If you’re looking for lesson plans, I’ve got you covered! This post includes a free download of my lesson plan for the first week of preschool.

You can set parents and children up for success with the sweet little gift in this post. It’s a wonderful keepsake to share with families as they leave preschool to start kindergarten.

Ready to tackle something a little more technical? Take a look at how I structure student portfolios, and save and share them digitally, in this post.
That’s a lot to get through, so I’ll leave it at that – but you can always use the search function to explore any topic you have in mind! You might be prepping for back to school season, but make sure to leave a little time to enjoy the end of summer too.