Fair Week!
We spent the last week at our county fair, and while it’s always so much work it’s also just plain FUN. We showed off projects, watched friends compete, laughed a lot, made (and drank) a ton of milkshakes, stayed up way too late, celebrated wins, rode rides, got dirty, and absolutely lived our best lives.
For as long as I can remember, the fair has been a great big send off to summer. The minute that it’s over everyone shifts into back-to-school mode. Now that all of our fair laundry is done and the ribbons are put away, we’re doing the same. This week will be all about getting back into a more normal routine and I’m honestly ready for it. While we still have about three weeks before school actually starts, that’s actually the perfect amount of time to re-focus a bit so we can be totally ready for that first day.
I’ll be sharing some of the things that we do to get our minds and bodies prepped for a more structured daily routine, but a great place to start is this post!