about me

  • Preschool Ponderings

    Refresh and Renew

    Whew! Last week was a whirlwind. My girl started school and all of our routines were flipped upside down. I finally had some time to myself, and that meant running every errand and tackling every project that I’d put off all summer. It was a lot to handle, so I took the week off to manage all of it. Now I’m back and fully ready to embrace the school year schedule. This felt like a perfect time to take a minute to introduce myself again. Hi! I’m Erin, and I’ve been sharing preschool tips and tricks – along with thoughts on teaching, parenting, crafts, and products for over 10 years…

  • holiday favorites

    About Me: Christmas Version

    Hi, I’m Erin and I love, love, love Christmas. I haven’t done an introduction in a VERY long time, so I thought it might be fun to do one with a Christmas spin! Here are some of my holiday favorites – along with some quirky preferences and products that I can’t do Christmas without! If you were a Christmas movie character, who would you be? I’m a hopeless romantic, so I’d pick any lead female from a Hallmark movie. What is your favorite Christmas song? I literally cannot pick just one. I love Christmas music of all types – but my heart holds a special place for Mariah Carey and…

  • May Currently!

    Yay! I finally made time to jump on the Currently Trend! It couldn’t be better time, I love love love this month’s theme, how festive are these flowers?! And now I’m done with the exclamation points, promise.  I’m linking up with Farley over at Oh Boy 4th Grade (She’s the creative genius behind currently and all of the great monthly artwork). Listening: I have really gotten into Dancing with the Stars this season, which is a little weird because I can’t honestly tell you the last season that I watched. Maybe its because I really love Meryl and Candace (she will always be like my big sister), and maybe its…