
  • Recycled loose parts

    I’m used to using loose parts in the classroom, I love them. I’m known for using recycled materials in the classroom, really, what preschool teacher isn’t? Another thing that I just might be notorious for – I cannot throw away craft materials, I just can’t do it.  These facts make the project that I’m currently working on the ideal project for me. I had a ton of strips of scrapbook paper left from another project, and I had pinned this photo awhile back: What an awesome idea! I thought that I could roll up the paper and my students could create with it.  I started rolling, taping each new addition…

  • Drool-worthy Reggio Inspired Products

    What is Reggio-Inspired? When it comes to products for the classroom, Reggio-inspired means sustainable, aesthetically pleasing toys that encourage children to be creative and use the items many different ways.  This list includes some of my favorite products for the classroom, it also includes some toys that I would love to have…if money wasn’t an issue.  Reggio-inspired doesn’t mean expensive, on the contrary rather, Reggio principles encourage using what you have available and re-purposing, but many of the products on this list are handmade and very high quality.  This means that they are often worth the price because they will outlast years and years of students, which is not something…

  • Kids can build with anything!

    My favorite thing about working with young children is that their imaginations never cease to amaze me.  I love to introduce random materials and challenge them to be as creative as possible.  This is one of those activities that has saved me a million times – when they fly through all of my planned lessons, special events have to be rescheduled, or, like on Friday afternoon, when nap time was cut in half by an accidental fire drill. There was no way that they were all going to go back to sleep, so I needed to find a way to fill an hour, and I needed to do it fast,…

  • Friday Freebies

    Today is an extra special Friday because I am enjoying a VERY RARE day off! I have vowed to do nothing work or school related today, and am instead spending my day working on crafts projects and getting my house ready for spring (and sleeping in)! Today’s Friday Freebie is one that my students absolutely loved this past week. This one comes from Klever Kiddos, it is a snap cube activity (who doesn’t have snap cubes?!) that encourages children to follow directions and problem solve, and then throws in some math facts too.  Students have to build Easter-related items out of snap cubes, following the included picture plans, and then…