
  • Fort Building!

    I mentioned earlier this week that the weather around here has been crummy – that’s kind of how spring goes in Ohio. It’s either still cold or raining – either way, we don’t get as much time outside as I would like.  This makes everyone a little cranky, and some afternoons are just difficult.  When those days happen I throw the plans out the window and we build forts. The children love, love, love this, and I know that they are still using problem solving and social skills, so it’s a great team building activity.  Since these afternoons are somewhat spontaneous, there are a few things that I try to…

  • Fort-building 101

    This week our dramatic play area has been turned into a fort-building paradise. The children were building forts with our tablecloths anyway, so we decided to specify an area for this. We included a large number of different sized pieces of fabric, some large blocks and tall sticks, and random pieces of furniture that they could cover. I love building forts, I remember doing this wen I was little, and I think that every child needs to have this opportunity. I also love to watch the children in my class build forts because I can see their gears turning as they use their problem solving skills to figure oh what…