
  • End of the year skills

    The end of the school year in my classroom often means that many of my students are ready for activities that challenge them and introduce higher level skills.  This is my favorite time of the year because they finally begin to understand why we have been doing all of this letter work for the last two or three years, the idea that letter sounds can blend together and create words, words that they can read all by themselves, is incredible to them. I love to see the sense of pride on their faces when they are able to read simple words after blending all of the individual sounds, so I…

  • What’s in my writing center

    I took a couple of weeks off from sharing my writing center, my students were really into my Easter options, so they stayed out for a little longer than I would typically keep them.  If the children are choosing writing activities, I’m not putting those activities away! Here’s what I put out for this week: CVC Word eggs: Taking the hint from my kiddos, I found an activity that would continue the Easter fun without actually being Easter-themed.  These are so easy to make.  I chose a different color egg for each vowel/word family.  On one side of the egg I wrote the word families, and on the other side…

  • What’s in my Writing Center?

    Here it is, another installment of “What’s in my Writing Center?” We are really focused on rain and the weather. My kiddos are obsessed with tornadoes, and I am trying to build a foundation for general understanding of the weather through our project work so that they can form a better foundation for what makes tornadoes.  To me, this means giving them the vocabulary to use to talk about weather phenomena. I also love that I can use their interests to attract them to other activities! Here’s what in my Writing Center this week: Rain Boot Letter Match. This was one of my small group activities last week, but I…