student work

  • Friday Freebie – Portfolio tags for student selected work

    Happy Friday! Even happier Friday to those of you who are celebrating Labor Day weekend! I am ready for a three day weekend, I have a to do list of fun projects that I haven’t had time to do all summer, and I’m looking forward to getting it all done. This week I’ve spent a lot of time talking about assessments and portfolios to help you get some systems in place. Up to this point I’ve talked about the work that you can do to begin preparing portfolio systems, this freebie is something you can use to encourage children to take an active role in compiling their portfolios. Make multiple…

  • Ideas for displaying children’s work

    It is pretty standard to display student work in the classroom, I could go on and on about the many different reasons that this is a great idea, but I think that we all get it, we want our students to be proud of the work that they do, and we want to show them that it has value. My goal has always been to display as much of my students’ work as possible, without wallpapering my walls in it. I want my classroom to look neat, and uncluttered, and I want displays to make sense and be aesthetically pleasing. Here are some examples of the ways that I have…