• Cheap and free summer activities

    Cheap Summer Activities for Kids

    Keeping kids busy all summer can get expensive really fast – but it doesn’t have to! There are so many creative ways to encourage children to use their bodies and brains without spending a ton of money. Here are some of my favorites: Parks – Make a list of all of your local parks and visit a different playground each week. Explore nature preserves and walk every trail that you possibly can. Pack a picnic to really make a day of it (then you can challenge children to come up with new picnic foods AND help prep the lunches too) Play dates – connect with other families and schedule times…

  • Halloween gift

    Quick Halloween Teacher Gift

    It’s always been my mission to make sure that my daughter’s teachers know they’re appreciated – because it’s something that teachers don’t hear enough. Sometimes that looks like personal, handmade gifts, and sometimes there just isn’t time for that! Here’s a quick and easy Halloween gift that I I just put together. Who doesn’t love a Halloween movie night? I found a bucket at the Dollar Tree, added some movie theater candy, Halloween Peeps, candy corn, and our family’s famous homemade kettle corn (but any popcorn would work). Then I tied on this cute tag, and decided to share it with you. You can download your own tags here. I…