christmas,  crafts,  gifts,  Holidays,  preschool,  reindeer

Cute Cards!

If you are anything like me, your classroom has probably become consumed with projects having to do with Christmas; gifts for parents, fun activities for the kiddos, cards, ornaments, decorations, you know the drill.

Typically we go all out on our parents gifts – handmade gift, handmade wrapping paper, and a card to go with it all. I’m always looking for new card ideas, because I have a tendency to make things more difficult than they need to be. This year I found a super easy idea that the children love: Thumbprint reindeer
Here is a picture of the ornament that I was inspired by:
And here is one of the finished cards:

I can’t wait to share these with the parents, they are sure to become a great family keepsake!

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