quotes,  teaching life,  work/life balance

Finding Balance

I really needed this long weekend. I mean I REALLY needed it.  This weekend I was able to take the time to find myself again.  Though I didn’t go on a trip or do anything exceptionally spectacular, I did get to do some of my favorite things.  I wandered the fabric store, spent tons of time with my family, read a book, ate lots of ice cream, laid out in the sun, roasted marshmallows with my favorite people, and slept in! It has been far too long since I’ve made time for these things that mean so much to me.

Over the last six months I have completely given myself up to my jobs – both of them.  Giving so much of myself to work was necessary, don’t get me wrong, I really needed to be 100% focused on work, but lately I’ve been really disappointed in the person that I had become over those six months.  I really missed the fun, sweet, caring person that I was having a hard time finding.  I’m so glad that I had the opportunity to rejuvenate, and really enjoy the weekend.  It definitely made me confident in the decision that I’ve made for my work from here on out (more details on this next week!) and I’ve cleared my evenings for this week so that I am able to enjoy some down time during this week that is bound to be slightly chaotic.

I found this quote and I’m making it my mantra for the summer! Hopefully it will inspire you to take some time to enjoy life!

Here are two photos from my weekend that really make me smile! I’ve been really getting into Instagram lately, for more fun pics you can follow me, my username is erinnholleran.

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