back to school,  preschool graduation

Off to Kindergarten (update)

My big kids are all starting kindergarten this week.  These are kiddos that have been in my class since they were 2 years old, so this is a bittersweet week for all of us.  I wanted to do something special for them as they started a new chapter, and I shared some of my ideas a couple of weeks ago, but I wanted to take some time to share the final product!

This is the cute kit that I put together for each family to use on the first day of kindergarten.  Each kit has a small pack of tissues (for Mom and Dad’s tears), chocolate hugs for a little extra comfort, and two small felt hearts.  The idea behind the hearts is that the parents keep one heart, while the child takes the other to school, this way everyone has a small object to comfort them throughout the day.

The tags on the kits have the following message:

As you send your child off to kindergarten please know that I’m thinking of both of you!
These tissues are to dry your tears, your little one is all grown up! The Hugs are for a little extra comfort, we all need a hug every now and then! There are two felt hearts, one is for you to hang onto all day, the other is for your child, to remind them that you are with them, even when you are not near. 

Have a great first day of kindergarten, and thank you for letting me be a part of your family!

Of course, I had to share these tags with you, so you can download them for free here! I also added a different tag, to make this little kit more appropriate as a gift from a child’s kindergarten teacher on the first day (to help make it easier for Mom and Dad to leave).  Those tags have this message:

I get to spend the day with your child, but I’ll be thinking of you too!
These tissues are to dry your tears, your little one is all grown up! The Hugs are for a little extra comfort, we all need a hug every now and then! There are two felt hearts, one is for you to hang onto all day, the other is for your child, to remind them that you are with them, even when you are not near. 
Have a great first day of kindergarten, and thank you for letting me be a part of your family!

You can download the printable version of these tags from my TPT store (for free!), thanks for letting me share!

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