Using chores to build responsibility

Starting a chore routine comes with so many questions – What chores are appropriate? Should I offer a reward for completing them? If so, what? It’s a little overwhelming, because we all want to get it right. Truthfully, it’ll take a bit to figure out, and there will be constant adjusting as your child ages. Here’s a list that I’ve shared previously about some chores that are developmentally appropriate for preschoolers:
At home
– Gathering dirty laundry
– Folding t-shirts and towels
– Matching clean socks
– Feeding pets
– Dusting
– Cleaning up play spaces
– Cleaning up small messes with a handheld vacuum
– Use a damp mop or Swiffer on the floors
– Making their own bed
– Set the table
– Clear the table
– Load and unload the dishwasher
– Water plants
In the classroom
– Clean up after snacks/meals
– Replenish supplies
– Sharpen pencils
– Wipe down tables with soap and water
– Feed pets
– Water plants
– Sweep up messes with a small broom
– Dust shelves
– Tidying centers/bookshelves
The most important thing about chores is that they should work for your family and be personalized to your child. My daughter has a habit of kicking her shoes off as soon as she walks in the door, so it makes sense for it to be her job to put those shoes away every night before bed. Managing these tasks helps children learn to care for their possessions and environment, which goes a long way towards setting them up for success as adults – and that’s our ultimate goal!