Parenting Products on Amazon

I’ve been sharing my picks for the classroom as I think about Amazon’s upcoming Big Deal Days. Today I’m going to shift things a bit and highlight the products that have truly made a difference for me, and my family. These parenting products are a bit random, but all of them have made my life easier! Here’s what’s on my list (all links are affiliates, your support is TRULY appreciated!).
I’ve been a huge fan of Sistema products, and these bento boxes are the ones that we use for school lunches every day (you can read even more about them here). We also used them all summer long to take picnics to the park and the beach. They eliminate the need for all of the separate baggies and containers. I also never have to worry about misplacing lids or figuring out which lids fit which containers. I can pack all of the lunches for a week on Sunday, stack them in the fridge and easily take one out each morning – that’s a parenting win for sure.
There are so many ways to use the Hatch Rest Night Light Alarm Clock! Full disclosure, we actually have a different brand that is no longer available – but it’s pretty glitchy and I wouldn’t recommend it. If I end up purchasing a new one this is definitely the one I would go with. When my daughter was really little we struggled with getting her to stay in bed past 6am. I’m NOT a morning person and I needed to solve this problem. The timed light was a visual cue to her that she could get up, and it didn’t necessarily wake her up like a true alarm would. Now that she’s older we use it as a more traditional alarm clock. I love that it allows you to program it for the days that you want, and from your phone. If she has a two hour delay I can change the alarm without even going into her room. It also has sound machine functions.
A first aid kit might seem like a no-brainer but it’s one of those things that you don’t need until you need it. I love the size of this Johnson and Johnson kit because I can stash them everywhere. Right now there’s one in my car, one in my purse, one in our camper, and one that I take on trips. I’ve bought these over and over, and the case is such a bonus because you can use it for all kinds of things once you’ve gone through all of the first aid supplies.
I always said that I wouldn’t be the mom who’s kid trashes her car – we try really hard to keep it neat, but kids just aren’t neat by nature. There is just stuff everywhere, I don’t even know where it all comes from! A backseat car organizer like this one has made such a difference, as a place to throw all of the things. On road trips this has been a lifesaver because my daughter can access all of her things easily and independently.
My daughter’s Jellycat Bashful Puppy has been her comfort item since she got it (we’ve got at least five of them floating around our house at this point). The floppy bodies make it so easy for little hands to hold onto these. They’re also small enough that I can easily stash it in my purse for everything from doctor visits to trips to the movies. They come in so many different animal options. I love gifting these and at this point I think I’ve given a few different bunnies, a lion, a lamb, a unicorn, and a horse. We also have a bunny in a larger size. They are so soft, and the quality is top-notch.
One item that I love to have on hand to keep my girl busy is stickers. These sets from Melissa and Doug are reusable and come with great scenes to work on. They are super portable and can be taken just about anywhere. The 3D stickers are also really easy for even the youngest children to use independently.
I always keep some little figurines in my purse. They come in handy for those times that we have to wait unexpectedly – restaurants, doctor’s appointments, when I really need to talk to another adult without interruption – These little puppies are adorable and they come in a set of 12 so you can stash a few anywhere and still have plenty to share.
I think that I’ve put these zip pouches on every list so far, they’re that good. Children have lots of things, these help me keep them organized. I initially purchased them to organize my daughter’s outfits when we travel. Since then I’ve used them for wet swimsuits after swimming lessons, to separate different Barbie sets, to sort educational materials for school breaks (see winter and summer planning posts), to stash snacks, the list goes on and on. If I didn’t use these I’d be using ziploc bags, so this feels like I’m actually doing something to help the environment.
Another product that I can’t say enough good things about is this Simply Southern tote. It was an impulse buy that has absolutely been worth every penny. I never worry about things spilling, wet swimsuits, getting sand on it, etc. It’s nice and sturdy, so I can fill it up and know it won’t fall over. It’s excellent for groceries, potlucks, picnics, any kids’ activity… I could literally talk about how wonderful this thing is all day, so I’ll stop there! Right now it’s available in 16 different colors.
We were gifted a Toniebox and it is such a genius product. It’s designed so that very young children can use it independently to hear the songs and stories they want to listen to. The idea is that each “Tonie” figure is loaded with different songs and stories (for example, we have Elsa – she tells an abbreviated Frozen story and sings two songs from the movie). A child puts the character figure on top of the box and then taps the side of the box to get to the piece they want to hear. They also offer “Creative Tonies” that you can record and add your own audio to. Family members can read stories, talk, or sing into your phone, then those audio clips can be connected to a Tonie. It’s fun and intuitive, kids can truly use it all on their own.
Am I getting you to add some more things to your Amazon wishlists??? If you want to keep shopping, here are the other lists that I’ve shared this week:
– Best Preschool Products 2023