honoring teachers

  • When Educators believe in each other

    Have you seen the TED talk by the amazing Ms. Rita Pierson.  It is powerful.  She puts into words every single reason that most of us became teachers in the first place. This quote from her talk hits me to the core every single time that I read it; I fully believe that every child needs a person in their corner.  A person who tells them they’re worth it, they can be great, and do amazing things.  A self-fulfilling prophecy can be a powerful thing, when you tell someone that they are incredible enough times, they start to believe you. I will give that to any child in a heartbeat.…

  • Appreciation for Early Childhood Teachers

    Teachers who work with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers don’t often get shown a lot of appreciation.  I can speak from experience when I say that the job they do is not easy.  The hours are long, the work is physical, and extremely emotional, but it is also incredibly rewarding. Early Childhood teachers are selfless and energetic, and they are passionate about teaching the youngest children.  The Week of the Young Child is a great opportunity to recognize and appreciate these teachers. A couple of years ago I pinned a quote to my Preschool Quotes Pinboard, It’s been repinned nearly 100 times.  The original artwork was from Zulily and I haven’t…

  • Celebrating amazing early childhood teachers

    An organization that is near and dear to my heart is honored a group of incredible teachers this week. The Terri Lynn Lokoff Child Care Foundation selects a group of teachers each year to be named Child Care Teacher of the Year Award Recipients, these teachers represent the best in their field and honored with funds to complete a classroom project of their choosing. I was selected as a recipient in 2013 and I could not say nicer things about this organization. They really understand the struggles and demands placed on child care teachers, and they go out of their way to show their appreciation for the work that is…