
  • Strategies for getting excited about work again

    I love my job. I tell people this all the time because it really is the truth – but that doesn’t mean that I always want to be at work. There are definitely days when I’m irritated, days when I would love to stay in bed and hibernate, and days when I feel completely unproductive.  This is normal, we all feel this way occasionally, but if you’re like me you can’t always take a vacation just because you want one.  When I’m feeling like I need some new energy, when I really need to re-focus and find that excitement again, there are a couple of strategies that always work for…

  • Finding the motivating factor

    I just came home from the dentist, I had to get three cavities filled.  Yuck.  To be honest, the actual procedure doesn’t bother me, I’ve had enough dental work done in my life that I’m used to the noise and the numbness, it’s the price tag that really hurts.  I’ve been told for the last 20 years that I need to be flossing every day, and I finally learned the lesson – because I finally figured out my motivation.  The cavities don’t motivate me, but the money definitely does. So what does this have to do with preschool… I promise, it actually flows quite well! This is why it is…