
Shadow puppets

Finding new materials to use on the light table is something that I always have a hard time with, but when I saw some gorgeous shadow puppets on pinterest I was psyched to try shadow puppets on the classroom. Some of my children have been talking about their own shadows, now that we have some spring sunshine, and I remember enjoying shadow play myself when I was very young.

If you search shadow puppets on pinterest you will find some very beautiful examples, but they were a bit too elaborate for my needs.

I made these by printing some clip art animal shapes and tracing them onto black card stock. Ours are glued onto wooden coffee stirrers left over from another class project, but Popsicle sticks, tongue depressors, or plastic straws would work well too, I’m a big fan of using what you have!

Let’s share, what have your made for your classroom recently?!

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