• Happy Halloween!

     Happy Halloween! Whether you’re celebrating today, or recovering after celebrating all weekend, I hope your festivities are the best! I’ll be sharing something MAJOR later this week, so make sure to pop back in after you wake from the candy-coma. I’ve got something up my sleeve that’ll make life so much easier for anyone who teaches preschool – whether it’s at a traditional school, a child care program, or even if you’re homeschooling a preschooler – and I can’t wait to let you in on it!

  • Halloween Movement Ideas

     It’s that time of year – Halloween classroom party time! I always loved these days, but I fully understand why some teachers don’t. The kids are already amped up, and then we give them sugar and take away the routine, what are we thinking?! Movement activities can be lifesavers for all of that pent up energy, so I thought I’d gather some excellent ones in one spot to save you a little sanity.  Here are some options that’ll fit your party theme and get those wiggles out! Danny Go is always my daughter’s first pick, this is just one of his Halloween offerings: You can’t go wrong with GoNoodle, and…

  • Something new and fun!

    If you’ve read any of my previous posts you probably have an idea of my love for organization – it’s not a secret! One way that I’ve really been leaning into this is through my planner. I’m a hardcore fan of an old-fashioned paper calendar, and mine have become beautiful scrapbooks over the years. To say that I’m obsessed with planner stickers is an understatement.  Over the last few months I’ve been designing my own clipart and using it to create planner stickers. Not only do I get to release some creative energy, but I get the satisfaction of having exactly the kind of stickers that I want to use…

  • Finding Joy

    I’ve been sharing my experience with burnout, and today I wanted to revisit a product that I created while feeling ALL of these feelings.  A common suggestion for staying present and building a little more positivity is to practice finding something to be grateful for each day.  If this works for adults, then it can certainly work for kids too – and it’s never too early to teach these kinds of coping skills.  That’s where “Joy in Everyday: Building Positive Thinking” comes from.  In practicing identifying those things each day that brought me more joy, I realized that I needed a way to keep all of these thoughts organized so…

  • One Thing That Brings Me Joy

    I promised that I’d share some of the things that have helped me refocus and work through burnout, so here’s one of my favorites.  A big thing for me has been paying more attention to the positives. This always worked for me when things were tough in the classroom – recognizing positive behaviors, celebrating little wins – it shifts my mood and that of those around me. In looking for a way to do this in my own personal life I settled on the idea of challenging myself to take at least one picture a day of something, anything, that brings me joy.   Trying to find one thing each day…

  • Where in the world have I been?!

    Hey all! It’s been a bit – 4 years to be exact. I’m really looking forward to refocusing my work here and giving you some amazing new content, but first I want to share why I disappeared because it’s a pretty common store that deserves some attention in this space.  I burnt out. Big time. When you truly love the work you do that enthusiasm is obvious, and all too often it gets taken advantage of.  I’d done everything “right” in my early childhood career – started in child care as a college student working at a before and after school program, moved into a long-term sub and eventually full-time…