Gross Motor Activities with Apples

Sometimes we have to get a little creative in order to support gross motor skills, but when it comes to exploring apples, there are tons of ways to incorporate practicing these skills! Here are some of my favorite ideas.
Apples are ball-shaped (for the most part) which makes them perfect for tossing and catching – gently of course!
They can also be rolled back and forth or used in games like bowling.
Apples with stems can be tied to a piece of yarn and hung from a tree so children can practice reaching and pulling (or “picking”).
They make excellent items for relay races – balance them on wooden spoons, pass them from child to child, or be the fastest to fill up a bushel basket.
Apples can be held while practicing positional words (“put the apple OVER your head” etc.)or while crossing the midline.
They can also be set up like traffic cones so that children can weave around them, hop over them, or using them as an obstacle course.
I hope this gives you some amazing new ways to use apples in the classroom!