healthy valentine snack for school
Holidays,  snack,  valentine's day

Healthy Valentine Snack for School

healthy valentine snack for school

I signed up to bring a healthy snack for my daughter’s classroom Valentine Party, and knowing how class parties go I had a few requirements in mind. Here’s the healthy Valentine snack for school that I ended up with!

First, I wanted to make sure that this was something easy to transport since my kindergartener will have to carry it into the building herself. Second, it needed to be prepackaged so that no one has to worry about allergy concerns and ingredients. Finally, it should be something that doesn’t make a mess or require her teacher to do anything other than pass it out.

With those conditions in mind, I took to pinterest (of course)! I found this adorable applesauce love bug from Fork&Beans:

I was fully prepared to cut out all of the little pieces myself and put these together, because they met every single one of my needs – then I stumbled across these pom pom craft kits at the Dollar Tree and I was SOLD.

These come in a variety of designs and being able to have all of the pieces pre-cut and organized for me saved so much time! My daughter handed me each piece while I hot glued them together and then we stuck them on the bottom of the applesauce cups (affiliate link) so that her friends could pull off the little love bugs and keep them if they wanted.

healthy valentine snack for school

I could not be happier with how these turned out, and once again, Dollar Tree for the win!

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