one little word
new year,  planning

One Little Word for 2023

One little word 2023

The holidays have been a whirlwind this year – we started our break a little early after getting the flu, and once we recovered it was full steam ahead for the last week of the year. Right now I’m exhausted, but also ready to take a deep breath and embrace the opportunity for a fresh start that comes with the beginning of a new year. One of my favorite ways to set a focus for the year is to identify one little word to keep me grounded. My one little word for 2023 is BELIEVE.

This year will be a big leap for me – the first year that I’m self-employed! It’s intimidating and exciting all at the same time. So believing in myself and the people I get to lean on is a top priority. I hope that you’ll stick around for the ride and share this journey with me! Happy New Year!

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