Holiday Organization Printables
There is so much happening during the month of December! There are too many things to remember, plan for, and complete. I don’t know about you, but when I feel all of that swimming around in my brain, there’s only one way for me to deal with it – write it all down. I modified my Organized Teacher Planning Pages for the holiday season and I’m sharing them with you for FREE (click here to download)! Please use these to help yourself feel a little more organized in the classroom this holiday season! Click the link or photo above to download your set. You can also find these in the…
Warm Weather December Themes
I’ve always lived where we get to experience 4 distinct seasons and the changes in weather that come with them. That’s played a role in my lesson planning for sure, because all of these seasons are relevant to my students. What do you do when this isn’t the case? Maybe your students only experience one or two different types of weather, does it make sense to teach preschoolers about snow when your temperatures never dip low enough to get any of the white stuff? There are two schools of thought here. One would say stick to what the children in your class will personally experience. I tend to agree with…
Non-Christmas Themes for December
December can be a tricky month is your program or the children in your class don’t celebrate Christmas. There are so many ideas and activities that support the Christmas season that it can be really hard to find other relevant topics. It can also feel a little strange to completely ignore what seems to consume the rest of the world for a whole month. No worries, I’ve got some ways for you to make December fun and easy! Here are some themes to consider for the month of December if you don’t celebrate Christmas in the classroom. The great thing about the month of December is that it’s typically pretty…
After Halloween Plans for the Classroom
This year Halloween is on a Thursday, which means we all have to come back in to school for Friday before we can really crash. The day after Halloween can be ROUGH in the classroom. Honestly, it makes perfect sense – the routine has been totally off, most kids were up way later than usual for trick or treating, and we’ve all had more sugar over the last few days than are bodies are used to processing. It’s completely normal for everyone to be super cranky the next day. Knowing this, there are some things that you can do to make the day go a little more smoothly. In planning…
Quicker Lesson Planning
I’m a firm believer in planning. I know for a fact that having a great plan laid out and fully prepped makes a massive difference in my week. At the same time, getting everything planned and ready takes so much valuable time. It can be really easy to sacrifice a calm, chill week in order to get back a few minutes right now. As we head into September, a month that seems to be the poster child for re-focusing on routines and schedules, I thought I’d give you some resources that will help make your planning super fast and easy. This way you’ll get the time now AND be fully…
Preschool Lesson Plans and Activities for June
We’re halfway through the month of May already – I can’t even believe it! Many of you are almost done with school for the year, but I also know that a large group of you will continue working with all of your littles through the summer. It was really important for me to continue these Month of PreK sets for every month of the year so that you would be supported no matter what your school calendar looks like. Here is the great big list of everything included in the June Month of Preschool set. This set has 5 exclusive activities that are only available in the June Month of…
Disney Cruise Countdown Workbook
I’ve been planning this cruise vacation for a year now, so I’ve had a lot of time to think and create. I knew that I wanted to have some kind of countdown to keep up the excitement and help with the “when are we leaving?” questions. It was also really important to me that my daughter learn a little about the ship and the ports we’re visiting so that she feels as prepared as possible, and also gets a little history and cultural understanding. Of course I couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for, so I made it myself. I created a workbook that accomplishes both of those goals…
February Holidays for the Classroom
February is my favorite month in the classroom – there are so many holidays and celebrations to explore in such a short time, it always seems to fly by! Here are the topics that I always make sure to cover: With all of this to cover we’ll definitely have a packed month of fun, and that’ll help this cold winter month pass quickly so that we can get even closer to spring!
February Month of Preschool Activities
I shared the list of everything included in my January Month of Preschool set a couple of weeks ago and wanted to make sure that I did the same with the February set so that you can make next month’s prep a little easier on yourself! Here’s EVERYTHING that’s included in the February Month of Preschool set: Wow! There are so many materials in this set! At 290 pages, these activities should keep your class busy, and learning a ton during the month of February. You can purchase the set here, and learn more about each monthly set (and the 12 month bundle) here.
Autumn Bucket List for the Classroom
Happy Friday! I have another freebie for you this week. I started creating seasonal bucket lists for my family when my daughter was very young. I was always looking for things that our family could enjoy and I would find myself saying “oh, we should have done that” after a seasonal opportunity passed. These bucket lists kept us busy and gave us plenty to look forward to. I realize that there are a ton of these available on pinterest, but it’s really hard to find options that work for the classroom. Most include a lot of outings, baking or cooking ideas, and movies. The one that I’ve put together is…