
  • Friday Freebie – Random Acts of Kindness Calendar

    Happy Friday! Yesterday I shared some random acts of kindness for the holiday season.  Today I’m sharing a freebie that makes it nearly impossible to NOT do some random acts of kindness this month! This Random Acts of Kindness Calendar is an amazing way to plan for, and keep track of the activities you want to complete.  Go download your copy from Herding Kats in Kindergarten, and have a great weekend!

  • Holiday-Themed Random Acts of Kindness

    The holiday spirit is a powerful thing, and I love to take advantage of this time of year to encourage my students to do nice things for others.  Here are some random acts of kindness that work perfect for the holiday season: Tape a sweet note to a candy cane and leave these throughout the building  Go Caroling Write special Christmas cards to people who have been especially helpful Collect toys for children in need Share baked goods with local first responders Hang Christmas lights around the school for everyone to enjoy Make the janitor’s job easier by cleaning the classroom really well Put together a special gift for support…

  • Friday Freebie – Random Acts of Kindness

    Happy Friday! I hope that you had a wonderful week! On Monday I shared a list of random acts of kindness that you can do with preschoolers, today’s freebie is an additional list.  You can print this Random Acts of Kindness Freebie out and hang it on the wall so that you can check of each activity as your class completes it. Download your copy from the Kinder Project and have a great weekend!

  • Freebie Friday – Respect

    Happy Friday! The further we get into August, the faster the weeks seem to fly by – summer definitely has a way of disappearing before I’m ready for it to end! This week I’ve shared a number ideas for teaching children about friendship, opinions, and respect.  Today’s freebie is another related activity to add to your files.  This Social Story from For the Love of PreK is all about being kind. I love social stories for preschoolers because they are simple and to the point – the message is clear and easy to repeat throughout the day so that children are consistently reminded of the expectations. Go download your copy…

  • Friday Freebie – Christmas Kindness

    Happy Friday! Every Friday brings us just a little closer to Christmas, just two more weeks, can you believe it?! This freebie is perfect for getting your class into the holiday spirit! This freebie from Whimsy Workshop Teaching includes an adorable santa that has twelve acts of kindness written on his beard.  Each day trim off an act of kindness to complete as you count down to Christmas.  There is also a blank version included so that you can write your own acts of kindness if you want.  What a great way to teach your students what the season is really about! You still have time to start this, you…

  • Crumpled Hearts

    On Monday I posted that I have been having a lot of issues with empathy and children who are generally unkind in the classroom. One of the ideas that I had found was an activity where children crumbled paper to see how their words and actions affected others.  This was an idea that I was really excited about trying with my class, so I wanted to share how it went. I wanted to make the meaning of this activity as obvious as possible, so I started by cutting each piece of paper into a heart. Then I wrote each child’s name on one of the hearts. During circle time I…

  • Taking a step back

    I can tell that my students have been spending too much time together (since I teach in a child care center my students can potentially be together from 7am until 6pm 5 days a week, and I am with them from 9am until 6pm every day) because of the ways that they have been treating each other lately. Little ones can be downright mean, and it breaks my heart the way that they talk to each other. I know that some self-centeredness is developmentally appropriate, that doesn’t mean that it is acceptable in my classroom. I do my best to encourage kindness and caring, but I too find myself responding…