
  • preschool st. patrick's day

    St. Patrick’s Day Math and Science

    St. Patrick’s day is such a fun holiday to celebrate in the classroom because there are some very different opportunities for exploration than we see with other holidays. Because of this, I’ve included some science activities – which means that this is a math and science center for Preschool St. Patrick’s Day! Let’s take a look at some of these materials. Shamrock Observations – This set is designed to help children focus on small details, which is perfect when it comes to shamrocks and finding that elusive 4-leaf clover. There are images of a variety of different shamrocks, and then zoomed in images of the same shamrocks so that children…

  • 15 Things preschoolers can observe in the fall

    Autumn gives us plenty of examples to explore changes in our world. Here are 15 different things that you can use to practice observation skills with preschoolers: Leaves changing colors Leaves falling off trees Leaves on other plants (Are they falling off too? Is it just trees that lose their leaves?) Trees that are not changing colors (Why do some trees change colors while others do not?) Bugs (What are they doing? Is this different from what they do at other times of the year?) Squirrels Other animals (What animals do you see? What are they doing?) The temperature Weather patterns The clothing you are all wearing (Is it different…

  • Questions to ask about clouds

    I am not going to complain about the beautiful summer-like weather we’ve been having lately! It’s made me want to spend every waking minute outside – which has resulted in a lovely sunburn, but that’s not the point. I wanted to share one of my favorite activities that you can do with any of the children that you happen to be around this summer, while squeezing in some extra outside time. I love to explore the clouds, but I don’t really take a traditional approach to learning about clouds.  I don’t teach the children the proper names for different types of clouds, and while I might do some experimenting with…

  • Ideas for Observing Trees with Preschoolers

    Trees offer great opportunities for seasonal observations because; They are readily available and can often be observed from inside the classroom simply by looking out the window.  They offer obvious visual examples of seasonal changes. They can easily be revisited over an extended period of time. Observing trees is completely free.  Start your observations by having your class help choose a tree that they want to make “their tree.”  Check on the tree every couple of weeks.  During some points throughout the year the changes will happen more rapidly, revisit the tree more often during these periods.  As you engage the children in observations, consider doing some of these activities:…

  • Making time for conscious observation during the day

    Preschool teachers spend all day making observations.  We do it so regularly that we might not even realize that we’re taking all of those mental notes.  We’ve trained our selves to recognize fine motor milestones, social emotional experiences, and scientific inquiry throughout the day, but do you ever take the time to just sit and watch your students as they play? I mean, without considering assessments and portfolios, just to watch the children as they play?  There are so many things that you can observe when you remove yourself from their conversations and interactions.  Taking time to sit by yourself and just observe is incredibly valuable.  It can give you…

  • Autumn observations to use in the classroom

    Autumn is the perfect time of year to help children practice making observations.  There are so many things happening right outside our windows, encourage the children to sit and watch, or go for a walk and do some exploring.  Here are some things the the children might notice: Leaves changing Leaves falling off trees Summer flowers starting to disappear The air getting cooler Squirrels and birds preparing for winter  Different kinds of plants growing (pumpkins, squashes, mums) Fall or Halloween decorations appearing Having to wear jackets outside Each of these observations can lead to wonderful conversations about the seasons, and how we prepare for seasons to change.  These kinds of…