
  • Disney Cruise

    Disney Cruise Packing and Prep!

    We’re going on another Disney Cruise! We did one last spring and are now totally hooked. As I prep and start to pack for this adventure, I wanted to compile all of the ideas and resources that I share last year. If you’re looking into a family adventure with Disney Cruise Line, here are some packing and prep ideas that will hopefully help! Click on the image to read the full post.

  • beach packing list

    Beach Vacation Must-Haves

    Whew! Have you ever felt like you needed to recover from your vacation?! We took a beach trip a couple of weeks ago and getting back to “normal” after coming home has been ROUGH. I don’t know if it was all the sun, being off of our daily schedule, or overstimulation, but we weren’t good for much of anything last week. It also gave me a little time to reflect, and I always appreciate time to consider what I’d do the same and different on another similar trip. I packed a lot of the same things that we took for our cruise, and I’ve learned that being on a cruise…

  • Friday Freebie – Ultimate packing list

    Happy Friday! I am currently on vacation, so I thought I’d share something a little different this Friday.  Those of you who have followed Preschool Ponderings for some time are well aware that I have a passion for all things organization. It should come as no surprise that I am known as the master of the packing list, but I may have found a freebie that challenges even my own list – this packing list freebie is from I Should Be Mopping the Floor.  If you don’t have a love for packing like I do, then this list is going to be your best friend! Go download yours and have…

  • Friday Freebie – Editable Boarding Pass

    Happy Friday! My travel posts all week have me itching to go somewhere, I might have to make a day trip this weekend! Here is an incredible freebie for your travel week – this super-high quality Boarding Pass from A First for Everything can be edited to reflect the destination, the name of the traveler, and the name of the airline.  How fun is that?! Make sure to download yours and have a great weekend!

  • Travel-themed dramatic play props

    Are you in vacation mode yet?! Me too, and since it isn’t going to happen for real, I figured I’d take a pretend trip (you can download my free travel lesson plan here!).  I fully believe that children need the opportunity to explore authentic materials when engaged in dramatic play, so here is a great big list of travel-themed props that you can add to the classroom for your travel or vacation week. Suitcases Duffel bags Cosmetic or toiletry bags Empty travel bottles (Shampoo, conditioner, etc.) Tote bags Luggage tags Travel pillows Boarding passes Passports Travel magazines and brochures Cameras Binoculars Postcards Clothing Flip flops Maps Hotel room keys Sunglasses…

  • Preschool books about vacation

    Yesterday I shared a lesson plan for a vacation themed week (go check it out)! This is the perfect theme to introduce non-fiction texts, I’m a huge fan of the materials available from AAA. If you aren’t a AAA member, see if any of your colleagues or parents are, they might be able to pick up some travel guides for you.  Many local tourism organizations are also more than willing to send you free information, you can often request info through their websites.  These are both very cost-effective ways to gather non-fiction texts (that are usually full of beautiful photos) for your classroom library. Even with all of those great…

  • Vacation Lesson Plan

    I don’t know about you, but summer weather makes me want to take a vacation! Unfortunately, that doesn’t quite work into my schedule at the moment, but I know I’m not the only one in need of a vacation, so I though It would be fun to plan a vacation themed week for the children too. Here is the lesson plan that I put together for vacation week: You can download a copy HERE! I created it to be somewhat generic because I want the children to help decide where your class will go on their pretend vacation, then you can tailor the activities to your destination.  Once your students pick…