• Eclipse Social Story

    Understanding an Eclipse for Preschoolers

    I’m on vacation – but I had to pop in and share this incredible resource before next week’s big eclipse! This social story is a simple way to explain to the very youngest students what an eclipse is, and what it might be light to experience one. Toddlers and preschoolers are so observant, they notice absolutely everything. This means that they know adults in their lives are talking about something pretty major, but they don’t necessarily understand the words that they’re using, because vocabulary words like “eclipse” and “path of totality” aren’t something that they have a frame of reference for. A social story like this one can open up…

  • Classroom Eclipse Supplies

    Eclipse Supplies for Teachers

    March is going to fly by – with St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, and spring break – so the eclipse on April 8th will be here before we know it! I’m already getting excited, and planning for the big day is definitely building that anticipation. Our area is in the path of totality, so all of our local schools are closed the day of the eclipse because we’re anticipating travel and communication challenges due to the large influx of eclipse tourists. That means that the week before the eclipse is the prime time for talking about it in the classroom. I’m also gearing up to keep my daughter busy with eclipse…

  • Solar Eclipse Activities

    Preschool Eclipse Activities

    I’m so happy to have these eclipse activities ready for you! Little ones can struggle with these kinds of special events because they just don’t have the frame of reference to understand why they’re a big deal to the adults in their lives AND what is actually happening. The eclipse activities that I’ve put together will help work through both of those challenges in a way that is developmentally appropriate, while also supporting the other work that they’ve been doing throughout the year. I firmly believe that none of us can truly understand any topic if we don’t have the vocabulary to discuss it with others. Vocabulary cards like these…

  • eclipse space clipart

    Eclipse Clipart!

    I mentioned that I’ve been working on an eclipse clipart set so I wanted to let you know that it’s available! My community is in the path of totality for the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8th, so we’ve be getting really excited for the event. I wanted to commemorate it with some special clipart – and of course use these for other materials too. Make sure to check back for updates on those products!