• Preschool Bird Activities

    Bird Activities for Preschool

    Studying birds is always a hit with preschoolers – these are animals that can FLY, who wouldn’t want to know more?! Birds are animals that children may not interact with directly, but they still play a role in their daily lives, no matter where your students live. This makes them perfect for exploration AND you can easily personalize the learning by choosing birds that are native to your area. Here are some of the preschool bird activities that I love to do in (or outside) the classroom. Bird watching is a must! Make some binoculars out of cardboard tubes and head outside. You can identify common birds, count the numbers…

  • Preschool Bird Books

    Bird Books for Preschool

    There are so many books available about birds. This is definitely one of those topics where it can be hard to narrow down the most helpful and relevant titles. Some of the non-fiction books that are supposed to be for children can also be really difficult and dry. So how do you know which ones are worth reading? I’m happy to share the ones that we’ve loved! All links are affiliates. National Geographic Kids Bird Guide of North America, Second Edition – Jonathan Alderfer Backpack Explorer: Bird Watch: What Will You Find? – Storey Publishing Feathers for Lunch – Lois Ehlert Bird Builds a Nest: A First Science Storybook –…

  • volcano books

    Volcano Books for the Classroom

    On Wednesday I shared some activities to use when exploring volcanos – and how to decide if this is a relevant topic for your class. Today it’s all about the volcano books that will support this exploration. There are so many volcano books for children that are truly not written at a level young children can understand. The vocabulary, depth, and assumed prior knowledge is too much, especially for preschoolers. I was able to find some winners though! Here are the books that I recommend (all are affiliate links):

  • Volcano activities

    Preschool Volcano Theme

    I’m a huge proponent of exploring themes that are relevant to the children you teach, but I also strongly believe that doesn’t always mean that they HAVE to be themes that children interact with in their everyday life in order to be relevant. If children are especially fascinated with a topic, to the point that it has become a regular topic of conversation in their classroom, then it is relevant in my eyes. This is where topics like dinosaurs, space, make-believe, wild animals, far away landscapes, etc. begin to become appropriate classroom themes. This week we’re tackling one of those topics; volcanos! There are so many ways to explore volcanos…

  • Preschool airplane theme

    Airplane Activities for Preschool

    Mondays have been tough around here – these summer weekends are busy and we’re feeling it by Monday! I hope that you’ll forgive me for not always getting a Monday post up throughout the summer, I’m really leaning into Mom life and sometimes that just doesn’t leave the time. That doesn’t mean that I’m totally leaving you hanging though! I’ve got so much to share. We’re prepping for a vacation, and it’s a big one because it’ll be my daughter’s first airplane experience. This felt like the perfect time to dig in and explore airplanes. It’s relevant for my family at the moment, but it can be an excellent theme…

  • preschool frog activities

    Frog Activities for Preschool

    This is our first official week of summer! This year we’re exploring a different topic every week, inspired by our love of animals and science, and guided by our favorite National Geographic Kids books – You can read more about our summer plans in this post. Keeping with these weekly themes, I thought it would be fun to share some of the activities and learning experiences that we’re using to understand each topic better. Here are our plans for frog week: Exploring a local pond – whether you take your group to a pond or bring elements of the pond to the classroom, this is a hands-on opportunity to really…

  • Solar Eclipse Activities

    Preschool Eclipse Activities

    I’m so happy to have these eclipse activities ready for you! Little ones can struggle with these kinds of special events because they just don’t have the frame of reference to understand why they’re a big deal to the adults in their lives AND what is actually happening. The eclipse activities that I’ve put together will help work through both of those challenges in a way that is developmentally appropriate, while also supporting the other work that they’ve been doing throughout the year. I firmly believe that none of us can truly understand any topic if we don’t have the vocabulary to discuss it with others. Vocabulary cards like these…

  • eclipse space clipart

    Eclipse Clipart!

    I mentioned that I’ve been working on an eclipse clipart set so I wanted to let you know that it’s available! My community is in the path of totality for the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8th, so we’ve be getting really excited for the event. I wanted to commemorate it with some special clipart – and of course use these for other materials too. Make sure to check back for updates on those products!

  • Preschool Thankssgiving

    Thanksgiving Pie Experiment

    I know that there are very strong opinions about using food for preschool activities, and I understand both sides of the argument.  Personally, I believe that food is something that brings us together.  It is a powerful way to open children’s minds to new experiences, and to introduce them to cultural experiences.  I am especially partial to taste-tests as science and social studies activities because it gives me the opportunity to expose children to something that they may not ever encounter at home. I’ve been known to taste test fruits and vegetables, in order to introduce new foods and encourage children to be open to trying new things.  This particular…

  • simple bug catcher

    Easy Camping DIY

    We enjoyed a nice long camping trip last weekend and I’m still working through all of the laundry! I had to share this little DIY before I forget – Simple bug catchers. These are such an easy way to keep kids busy and encourage exploration. Before we left I was looking for a quick project that my girl and I could put together for all of the kids that were camping with us. I wanted something that we already had all of the supplies for, would actually capture interest, and wouldn’t take up a lot of space. Catching lightning bugs is always a favorite camping activity, so this was a…