• Friday Freebie – President’s Day

    Happy Friday! Today is one of my favorite days, I know a lot of teachers don’t like party days, but I love them and Valentine’s Day is my favorite of the entire year. I think it’s because the celebration with my kiddos has always taken the pressure off my husband 🙂 I get all my mushy love from the little ones and all I expect from him is a card.  I also have some serious girl time planned for this weekend, an Ikea trip with my best friends from high school, which is definitely a reason to look forward to the weekend! Then, Monday is President’s day.  We always have…

  • Reggio Inspired Dramatic Play Centers

    A couple of weeks ago I gathered photos of some incredible Reggio-inspired Math and Writing centers to share with you. These have been some of the most popular posts that I’ve done, so I thought I would do a few more centers this week. I shared some incredible science centers, today I want to show you some inspiring dramatic play centers. My students favorite materials to use in the dramatic play space are; Any kind of costume Authentic items related to the play topic (old cameras, real stethoscopes, old cell phones, hair dryers, bakery boxes, etc.)  Related printables, such as pretend library cards, shopping lists, airline tickets, recipe cards, etc.  There are a few…

  • Social Studies Activities for Preschool

    It’s Wednesday, and here at Preschool Ponderings, that means time to focus on the standards.  Every Wednesday I choose an Early Learning Standard and share a number of activities that can be aligned with that particular standard.  Remember, the Standards that I use every day, and am most comfortable with are Ohio’s Early Learning Development Standards – you can review them here, however I’ve found that even if your State’s standards differ, many of these activities can still be aligned similarly. I’ve rounded up some great ideas today! Domain: Social StudiesStrand: EconomicsTopic: Scarcity This standard is all about understanding that supplies are limited, and sometimes you have to make choices.  When…

  • Reggio Inspired Science Centers

    A couple of weeks ago I gathered photos of some incredible Reggio-inspired Math and Writing centers to share with you. These have been some of the most popular posts that I’ve done, so I thought I would do a few more centers this week. When it comes to the science center, my students especially love the following science-related materials: Authentic science tools (magnifying glasses, specimen jars, microscopes and slides, etc.) Mirrors and prisms Flashlights Binoculars I also like to include some of the following materials: Clipboards with paper or notebooks where they can record their findings Photographs related to topics of interest (like close ups of snowflakes or photos of…

  • Keeping Preschoolers Germ Free

    If your classroom is anything like mine, there are a lot of germs floating around it right now.  I do my best to teach hand washing routines at the beginning of the school year, but right about now I feel like we need a refresher course in getting rid of some of those germs. I’ve come up with a couple of things that I’m hoping will help my students to A) remember to wash their hands after they blow their noses, and B) remember to wash their hands properly. The first thing I’m doing is making sure to spend some time going over hand washing routines, so I made these…

  • Friday Freebie – Valentine’s Day Writing Paper

     Happy Friday! This was a surprise short week for me with my snow day on Monday, so it flew by! Since Valentine’s Day is next weekend I’m saying that this is the official start of Valentine’s week (yes, Valentine’s week) who doesn’t love taking time to share their love with people who are important?! I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve for my favorite people, and since I’ll see them at different times throughout the week, I’ve made it Valentine’s week 🙂 Today’s freebie is one of the first things that I created for my Teacher’s Pay Teachers store, it’s a great little freebie that you can use a few…

  • Valentine’s Day Bags and Boxes

    If you’ve ever hosted any kind of Valentine’s Day Party in the classroom, you understand the need for some sort of container to corral all of those cards and treats.  I generally like to create ours in the classroom – it makes my life easier because I know that everyone will have one and they will all be the same size.  I think that spending the week prior to the big day doing little activities to get ready helps my students understand what the day is all about, and it ensures that they will know what to expect, because they’ve been a part of the planning. In the past my…

  • Social Studies Activities for Preschool

    It’s Wednesday, and here at Preschool Ponderings, that means time to focus on the standards.  Every Wednesday I choose an Early Learning Standard and share a number of activities that can be aligned with that particular standard.  Remember, the Standards that I use every day, and am most comfortable with are Ohio’s Early Learning Development Standards – you can review them here, however I’ve found that even if your State’s standards differ, many of these activities can still be aligned similarly. I’ve rounded up some great ideas today!Domain: Social StudiesStrand: GovernmentTopic: Rules and Laws This standard really focuses on rules, why we need them, and how they keep us safe.  You…

  • Valentine’s Day cards that Preschoolers can make

    I love Valentine’s Day, and I will take any excuse to help my students show their family members how much they care about them.  I think that Valentine’s Day is a a great way to practice sharing feelings and emotions, and I always make sure to have card making supplies available before the big day. My students make a ton of cards, they are nothing if not prolific! I thought I would round up some easy ideas that anyone could try, because a little inspiration is always a good thing.  Having a few ideas also helps to narrow down the supply list! How easy are these? From I Can Teach…

  • February Currently

    I’m linking up with Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade for February’s Currently! I love February, it’s full of fun, quick holidays (Groundhog day, Valentine’s Day, Mardi Gras, President’s Day) and it goes so fast. Listening: I have a snow day today (yay!) and I actually got out of bed early enough to watch morning television. This is a big deal because I’m usually the queen of sleeping late, but I’m going to use every minute of this day! Loving: This is the first big snow that we’ve had this winter and I love it! I always say that if it’s going to be cold we better have some snow…